Releases: Netflix/frigga
Releases · Netflix/frigga
frigga 0.24.0
v0.24.0 fix(sharding): restrict shard values to dns-name friendly characters …
frigga 0.23.0
support 3-6 digit push sequence (#32) need to not break some existing deploys using a 6 digit sequence number, but this is still small enough that tracking a standard width git short sha (8 characters) won't conflict.
frigga 0.22.0
reverts push sequence to 3 digits only (#31) reverts 5a8ef31f422c29e8a6269f7027913289b4e56cf6 reverts c2c5e46f1312db2ea27ea7c347698e177841e05d
frigga 0.21.0
adds NamingConventions to decouple metadata extraction from naming(#28)
validate stack and detail do not contain push (#29)
update gradle and nebula (#30)
This is a breaking change, the result of parsing a resource name will no longer treat labeled variables as component of the name: they exist as metadata available from inspecting the name, but the canonical components of a resource name are the app/stack/detail/push. Stack and detail components will be populated where previously they may have been considered labeled variables.
A concrete example: foo-c0bar would previously be app = foo, stack = null, country = bar. It will now be app = foo, stack = c0bar, country = bar.
frigga 0.20.0
v0.20.0 Don't assume sequence is always parsable (#27)
frigga 0.19.2
v0.19.2 Make patterns in Names static (#26)
frigga 0.19.1
performance optimization in labelled variable handling
frigga 0.19.0
update to gradle 5 and nebula 7 (#22) Update the build to use the latest versions of gradle and the nebula plugin. Makes the build work when running on newer JDKs.