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qubership-apihub-backend is a part of global qubership-apihub application, which is described here: qubership-apihub.

qubership-apihub-backend (aka API Registry) is the main backend microservice of qubership-apihub solution. It accumulates all bsuiness domain and core logic, provides REST API for qubership-apihub-ui and integrations.


Partial installation of qubership-apihub-backend makes no sense as it is a part of bigger application qubership-apihub. qubership-apihub installation is possible via docker-compose and helm. Please refer to installation guides: qubership-apihub.

If you want to run qubership-apihub-backend only for developement or debugging purposes please refer to Debug section below


Just run build.cmd(sh) file from this repository


Local development principles

Developer Tools

Development tools setup