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NetApp Astra Control Python SDK

The NetApp Astra Control Python SDK is designed to provide guidance for working with the NetApp Astra Control API.

You can use the astraSDK/ library out of the box, and as a set of example recommended code and processes, "cookbook" style. The script provides a command line interface to interact with Astra Control with built-in guardrails, and since it utilizes astraSDK/ it can provide additional context around the requirements of the astraSDK classes.

Astra SDK Component and Installation Diagram

When using in automation, it is highly recommended to tie your workflows to a specific tag or release (as functionality may change over time), and be sure to thoroughly test all workflows to ensure expected behavior.

Note: Support for all components of the Astra Control Python SDK is exclusively handled in a best effort fashion by the community via GitHub issues, and is not supported by NetApp Support. Use of this SDK is entirely at your own risk.


The NetApp Astra Control SDK can be utilized three different ways, depending upon your use case:

  1. Administrator: if you want to use the toolkit as quickly as possible without modifications, it is recommended to utilize the prepared Docker image, as it has all of the required dependencies and binaries configured and ready to go (including actoolkit).
  2. DevOps / GitOps: if utilizing the toolkit in a software pipeline, the python package (actoolkit) is typically the most straightforward method of consumption. A simple pip install command results in (as actoolkit) being available in the user's PATH and all python-related dependencies installed. It also installs the astraSDK/ library for use in custom scripts.
  3. Developer: if you plan to modify the SDK for internal consumption, manual installation is recommended by cloning (or forking) this repository and working in your local development environment. Ensure that all dependencies mentioned below are met.

This Python SDK Installation video walks through all three use cases / installation methods.


For the administrator use case with the prepared Docker image:

  • Docker 20.10.7+

For the DevOps / GitOps use case with the python package (actoolkit):

  • Python 3.8+
  • Pip 21.1.2+

For the developer use case or to manually install the NetApp Astra Control SDK:

  • Python 3.8+
  • Pip 21.1.2+
  • Git 2.30.2+
  • Kubectl 1.23+
  • Azure CLI (az) 2.25.0+ or Google Cloud SDK (gcloud) 345.0.0+ or AWS CLI (aws) 1.22.0+
  • Helm 3.2.1+


No matter the method of installation, the SDK authenticates by reading in the config.yaml file from the following locations (in order):

  1. The current working directory that the executed function is located in
  2. ~/.config/astra-toolkits/
  3. /etc/astra-toolkits/
  4. The directory pointed to by the shell env var ASTRATOOLKITS_CONF

Again, no matter the method of installation, the config.yaml file should have the following syntax:

  Authorization: Bearer <Bearer-Token-From-API-Access-Page>
uid: <Account-ID-From-API-Access-Page>
astra_project: <Shortname-or-FQDN>
verifySSL: <True-or-False>

This Astra Control API Credentials video walks through creating the config.yaml file, or follow the instructions below.

Create (if using actoolkit) or edit (if using the git repo) the config.yaml file in one of the above mentioned locations with your NetApp Astra Control account information:

  • Authorization: Bearer: Your API token
  • uid: Your Astra Control Account ID
  • astra_project: Your Astra Control instance (shortnames get appended to them, FQDNs [anything with a .] are used unchanged)
  • verifySSL: True or False, useful for self-signed certs (if this field isn't included it's treated as True)

You can find this information in your NetApp Astra Control account profile. Click the user icon in the upper right-hand corner, then choose API Access from the drop-down menu which appears.

Locate your Astra Control profile

Copy and paste your Astra Control account ID into the config.yaml file.

Locate your Astra Control account ID

To get your API token, click + Generate API token. Generate a new API token, then copy and paste the token into the config.yaml

When you are done, the config.yaml looks like:

  Authorization: Bearer thisIsJustAnExample_token-replaceWithYours==
uid: 12345678-abcd-4efg-1234-567890abcdef
verifySSL: True

1. Docker Installation

Launch the prepared Docker image. Docker will automatically download the image if you don't already have it on your system.

docker run -it netapp/astra-toolkits:latest /bin/bash

NOTE: From this point forward, you will be working in the Docker container you just launched.

Set up your kubeconfig to successfully run kubectl commands against your cluster with the appropriate command (e.g. export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig, gcloud container clusters get-credentials, az aks get-credentials, or aws eks update-kubeconfig).

Configure your config.yaml as detailed in the authentication section.

Since the actoolkit python package is bundled with the Docker image, you can immediately use it to interact with Astra Control:

actoolkit list clusters

Alternatively, you can also follow the manual installation steps to clone the git repo and optionally make modifications to the code base, all while not having to worry about software dependencies.

2. Python Package Installation

Install actoolkit with the following command:

python3 -m pip install actoolkit

Configure your config.yaml as detailed in the authentication section.

You can now use actoolkit to invoke the NetApp Astra Control SDK. For example, list your Astra Control Kubernetes clusters with the command:

actoolkit list clusters

Additionally, the astraSDK/ library is available for import for use when creating custom scripts:

>>> import astraSDK
>>> print(astraSDK.clusters.getClusters(output="table").main())
| clusterName          | clusterID                            | clusterType   | managedState   |
| uscentral1-cluster   | 0412fd41-51b8-478a-b055-0bd50e34b1fe | gke           | managed        |
| prod-cluster         | c69d8281-d4ea-4902-b03e-0c39c7da4543 | gke           | managed        |

3. Manual Installation

Clone the NetApp Astra Control SDK repo.

git clone

Move into the repo directory.

cd netapp-astra-toolkits

Run the following commands to add the required Python elements:

python3 -m venv toolkit
source toolkit/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure your config.yaml as detailed in the authentication section.

You can now use ./ to invoke the NetApp Astra Control SDK. For example, list your Astra Control Kubernetes clusters with the command:

./ list clusters

Additional Resources

See the documentation for more information.


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