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Releases: Nekmo/dirhunt


14 Aug 16:26
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After several years, Dirhunt already has all the required features! The default branch will now be 1.x.x. This branch is the last one with support for Python2. The new development branch will require Python 3 and will bring many improvements!

  • Add keyword search (issue #110)
  • Add Python 3.11 support (issue #112)
  • Add pip-rating badge (issue #118)
  • Ignore base64 URLs from WayBack machine (issue #120)
  • Use pip-tools for dependencies (issue #119)
  • Remove Python 3.5 & Python 3.6 support (issue #113)
  • Fix GitHub example issue message (issue #114)
  • Fix README badge (issue #115)
  • Fix Python versions in PyPI (issue #116)


02 Jul 19:17
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  • Search paths and subdomains in commoncrawl (issue #88)
  • Error on Google Source: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests (issue #97)
  • Parse Content-Type correctly for use beautifulsoup (issue #101)
  • Use initial urls for the resume file (issue #99)
  • SSLCertVerificationError (issue #95)
  • wait for all connection threads before ending program bug (issue #100)
  • Search paths and subdomains in (issue #91)
  • Search subdomains in (issue #89)
  • Hide warning InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. (issue #98)
  • Use "with" with requests connections (issue #105)
  • Improve performance restore session (issue #104)
  • Search subdomains in https certificate (issue #90)
  • Support Python 3.9 & Python 3.10 (issue #96)


14 Dec 23:52
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  • custom Header/Cookie (issue #84) is missing in the latest release.


14 Dec 23:16
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  • Meta refresh tag not considered (issue #71)
  • Use sphinx-click for docs (issue #80)
  • Random user agent by default (issue #78)
  • Cli parameter to set the user agent (issue #79)
  • Check javascript files for dirhunt (issue #69)
  • custom Header/Cookie (issue #84)


28 Apr 20:19
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  • Report to file (issue #62)
  • Resume scan after close Dirhunt (issue #53)
  • Option to stop analysis and go to results by pressing ctrl+c (issue #61)
  • Process CSS files (issue #84)
  • Catch None in function is_url_loop (issue #66)
  • Exclude sources from tests (issue #67)
  • Missing dependencies for SOCKS support (issue #72)
  • Test Python 3.8 on Travis (issue #74)
  • Remove Python 3.4 support (issue #75)


01 Nov 14:52
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  • Search on Google (issue #2)
  • Find and use free random proxies (issue #33)
  • Extract dates and match different date files (issue #26)
  • Limit of processed pages (issue #51 & issue #52)
  • Mult operator (*) in argument proxies (issue #55)
  • Switch for domain list (issue #39)
  • WARNING:urllib3.connectionpool:Connection pool is full, discarding connection (isse #56)
  • TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable in, line 147 (issue #57)
  • Catch UrlInfo read exceptions (issue #58)
  • Error in, decode_content=True) (issue #59)

Fixed Unicode Error on Python 2.7

09 Sep 00:50
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  • Issue #50: UnicodeEncodeError 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position ...


04 Sep 10:40
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  • Command not found issue for Windows (issue #40)
  • Search on VirusTotal (issue #31)
  • Delay between requests (issue #14 & issue #48)
  • Set proxies (issue #32 & issue #47)
  • Tor proxy alias (issue #49)

Entry point for Windows support

11 Aug 11:55
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  • Command not found issue for Windows (issue #40)


31 Jul 11:54
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  • Support invalid SSL certificate (issue #37)
  • Disable InsecureRequestWarning warning on invalid HTTPS site (issue #44)
  • Robots source fails on site with invalid HTTPS certificate (issue #45)