The given code covers all the basic needs to communicate with A7672s SIMCom Module with ESP32 to post data on MQTT
I am using ESP32 Devkit V1
- GPIO 2 : Builtin LED ( Devkit V1 )
- GPIO 21 : ENABLE of A7672s
- This code is developed for ESP32 on Embedded C Language using FreeRTOS.
- Entire Communication is based on UART protocol between ESP and A7672s SIMCom.
- The default baud of SIMCom is 115200 with 8 data bits, None parity and 1 stop bit.
- There are several "AT" Commands over which SIMCom understands, performance and responses tasks.
- The code initializes AT Commands, followed by getting the IP of simcard used.
- Further, through SNTP we get the date-time for specified location.
- Lastly, MQTT is started with specified broker and payload is posted on "4GBOARD_SIMCOMM".
- We also subscribe to a topic "4GBOARD_SIMCOMM/cmd" to receive payload.
- Note :
- 1) Simcard used need to have whitelisting of SNTP or broker being used ( if simcard is not general one ).
- 2) If SIMCom loses given MQTT Connection, then it would disconnect and stop MQTT by executing those AT Commands before restarting.
- There is nothing to conclude this time, it's super cool and works flawlessly.
- I have used basic AT Commands to perform few task but there's a big list of things one can discover and do!
- I hope you all like it :-D