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Necsus: An ECS for Nim

Build License

A "disappearing" ECS (entity component system) library for Nim. Necsus uses Nim macros to generate code for creating and executing an ECS-based application. Components are just regular objects, systems are regular procs, and everything related to entities is handled for you.

More details about how ECS architectures work can be found here:


Necsus was born out of the idea that Nim's macros could drastically reduce the boilerplate required for building an ECS based application, while still being approachable and keeping the cognitive overhead low.

  • Entities are managed on your behalf. Under the covers, they're represented as an int32
  • Components are regular Nim types. Just about any type can be used as a component.
  • Systems are procs. They get access to the broader application state through arguments with special types; called directives
  • Systems and components are wired together automatically into a proc called an "app". Running your app is as simple as calling the generated proc.

An example

import necsus, random

    Position = object
        x*, y*: float

    Velocity = object
        dx*, dy*: float

proc create(spawn: Spawn[(Position, Velocity)]) {.startupSys.}=
    ## Creates a handful of entities at random positions with random velocities
    for _ in 1..10:
            Position(x: rand(0.0..100.0), y: rand(0.0..100.0)),
            Velocity(dx: rand(0.0..10.0), dy: rand(0.0..10.0))

proc move(dt: TimeDelta, entities: Query[(ptr Position, Velocity)]) =
    ## Updates the positions of each component
    for (position, velocity) in entities:
        position.x += dt() * velocity.dx
        position.y += dt() * velocity.dy

proc report(entities: FullQuery[(Position, )]) =
    ## Prints the position of each entity
    for eid, comp in entities:
        echo eid, " is at ", comp[0]

proc exiter(iterations: Local[int], exit: Shared[NecsusRun]) =
    ## Keeps track of the number of iterations through the system and eventually exits
    if iterations.get(0) >= 100:
        exit := ExitLoop
        iterations := iterations.get(0) + 1

proc app() {.necsus([~create, ~move, ~report, ~exiter], newNecsusConf()).}
    ## The skeleton into which the ECS code will be injected

# Run your app

More Examples

API Documentation

API Documentation is available here:

Using Necsus

To get started with Necsus, you define your app by adding the necsus pragma onto a function declaration:

import necsus

proc myApp() {.necsus([], newNecsusConf()).}

That's it. At this point you have a functioning ECS setup, though it won't do much without systems attached. If you were to call myApp it would just loop infinitely.

Adding systems

To make your application do useful work, you need to wire up systems. Creating a system is easy -- it's just a proc. The name of that proc is then prefixed with a ~ and passed into the necsus pragma:

import necsus

proc helloWorld() =
    echo "hello world"

proc myApp() {.necsus([~helloWorld], newNecsusConf()).}

In the above example, if you called myApp, it would print hello world to the console in an infinite loop.

If you're curious about the tilde prefix, it's used to convince the Nim type checker that all the give systems are compatible, despite being procs with different arguments.

Passing multiple systems

When given multiple systems, they will be executed in the same order in which they are passed in:

import necsus

proc first() =

proc second() =

proc myApp() {.necsus([~first, ~second], newNecsusConf()).}

Types of Systems

Within the lifecycle of an app, there are three phases in which a system can be executed:

  1. Startup: The system is executed once when the app is started. Systems opt-in to this phase by adding the startupSys pragma.
  2. Loop: The system is executed for every loop. Systems naturally exist in this phase, though you can also be explicit by adding the loopSys pragma to them.
  3. Teardown: The system is executed once after the loop exits. Systems opt-in to this phase by adding the teardownSys pragma.

There are also callback systems that are only invoked when a specific situation is engaged:

  1. Save callback: The system is executed anytime the 'Save' directive is invoked. Systems opt into this phase by adding the saveSys pragma. For these systems, the return type of the system is used as the value being saved. More on this below.
  2. Restore callback: The system is executed anytime the Restore directive is invoked. Systems opt-in to this phase with the restoreSys pragma. It is expected that the first parameter of these systems is not a directive, but is instead the value being decoded.
  3. Event callback: The system is executed whenever an event is triggered by another system. The first argument of the system represents the type of event it listens to. Systems opt-in to this phase with the eventSys pragma.
import necsus

proc startupSystem() {.startupSys.} =

proc loopSystem() {.loopSys.} =

proc teardownSystem() {.teardownSys.} =

proc savingSystem(): string {.saveSys.} =
    "Value to save"

proc restoringSystem(value: string) {.restoreSys.} =
    echo "Restored value: ", value

proc eventSystem(event: int) {.eventSys.} =
    echo "Event triggered: ", event

proc myApp(input: string) {.necsus([
], newNecsusConf()).}


Systems interact with the rest of an app using special method arguments, called Directives. These directives are just regular types that Necsus knows how to wire up in special ways.

Systems can't have any other type of argument. If Necsus doesn't recognize how to wire up an argument, the compile will fail.


To create new entities, use a Spawn directive. This takes a single argument, which is the initial set of components to attach to the newly minted entity.

There are two ways to spawn an entity, Spawn and FullSpawn. Under the covers, they do the same thing. The difference is that FullSpawn returns the generated EntityId, and Spawn does not. In general, you should use Spawn over FullSpawn whenever possible.

import necsus

    A = object
    B = object

proc spawningSystem(spawn: Spawn[(A, B)]) {.startupSys.} =
    for i in 1..10:
        spawn.with(A(), B())
        echo "Spawned a new entity!"

proc myApp() {.necsus([~spawningSystem], newNecsusConf()).}
Why Spawn and FullSpawn?

During a build, Necsus automatically generates a set of all possible archetypes that could exist at runtime. It does this by examining systems with FullQuery, FullSpawn, Lookup, and Attach directives then uses that to calculate all the combinatorial possibilities. Naively, this is an exponential algorithm. This is important because archetypes themselves aren't free. Each archetype that exists increases build times and slows down queries.

Using Spawn instead of FullSpawn allows the underlying algorithm to ignore those directives when calculating the final set of archetypes. Because your system doesn't have access to the EntityId, it can't use the output of a Spawn call as the input to an Attach directive, which means it can't contribute to the list of archetypes.


Queries allow you to iterate over entities that have a specific set of components attached to them. Queries are the primary mechanism for interacting with entities and components.

There are two kinds of queries, Query and FullQuery. Query gives you access to the components, while FullQuery gives you access to the components and the EntityId. You should use Query wherever possible, then only use FullQuery when you explicitly need the EntityId. For details about why the two mechanisms exist, see the section above about Spawn versus FullSpawn.

import necsus

    A = object
    B = object

proc reportingSystem(query: Query[(A, B)]) =
    for components in query:
        echo "Found entity with ", components[0], " and ", components[1]

proc reportingSystemWithEntity(query: FullQuery[(A, B)]) =
    for eid, components in query:
        echo "Found entity ", eid, " with ", components[0], " and ", components[1]

proc myApp() {.necsus([~reportingSystem, ~reportingSystemWithEntity], newNecsusConf()).}

Queries with Pointers

If you want to loop through a set of entities and update the values of their components, the most efficient mechanism available is to update those values in place. This is accomplished by requesting pointers when doing a query:

import necsus

    A = object
        value: int

proc inPlaceUpdate(query: Query[(ptr A, )]) =
    for (a) in query:
        a.value += 1

proc myApp() {.necsus([~inPlaceUpdate], newNecsusConf()).}

Queries that exclude components

There will be times you want to query for entities that exclude a set of components. This can be accomplished with the Not type:

import necsus

    A = object
        a: string
    B = object
        b: string
    C = object

proc excludingC(query: Query[(A, B, Not[C])]) =
    for (a, b, _) in query:
        echo "Found a with ", a.a, " and b with ", b.b

proc myApp() {.necsus([~excludingC], newNecsusConf()).}

Queries with optional components

If you would like a query to include a component if it exists, but still return the entity if it doesn't exist, you can use an optional in the component query:

import necsus, options

    A = object
        a: string
    B = object
        b: string

proc optionalB(query: Query[(A, Option[B])]) =
    for (a, b) in query:
        echo "Found a with ", a.a
        if b.isSome: echo "Component B exists: ", b.get().b

proc myApp() {.necsus([~optionalB], newNecsusConf()).}

Querying for a single value

For situations where you have a singleton instance, you can use the single method to pull it from a query:

import necsus, options

type A = object

proc oneInstance(query: Query[(A, )]) =
    let (a) = query.single.get
    echo a

proc myApp() {.necsus([~oneInstance], newNecsusConf()).}


Deleting is the opposite of spawning -- it deletes an entity and all the associated components:

import necsus

    A = object
    B = object

proc deletingSystem(query: FullQuery[(A, B)], delete: Delete) =
    for eid, _ in query:

proc myApp() {.necsus([~deletingSystem], newNecsusConf()).}


Lookup allows you to get components for an entity when you already have the entity ID. It returns an Option, which will be a Some if the entity has the exact requested components:

import necsus, options

    A = object
    B = object
    C = object
    D = object

proc lookupSystem(query: FullQuery[(A, B)], lookup: Lookup[(C, D)]) =
    for eid, _ in query:
        let (c, d) = lookup(eid).get()
        echo "Found entity ", eid, " with ", c, " and ", d

proc myApp() {.necsus([~lookupSystem], newNecsusConf()).}


Attaching and detaching allow you to add new components or remove existing components from an entity:

import necsus, options

    A = object
    B = object
    C = object

proc attachDetach(query: FullQuery[(A, )], attachB: Attach[(B, )], detachC: Detach[(C, )]) =
    for eid, _ in query:
        eid.attachB((B(), ))

proc myApp() {.necsus([~attachDetach], newNecsusConf()).}

Note that when detaching, an entity must have all of the listed components for any of them to be detached.


If you need to attach a new component at the same time you need to detach other components, you can use the Swap directive. It takes two parameters: (1) a set of components to attach, and (2) a set of components to detach.

import necsus, options

    A = object
    B = object
    C = object

proc swapComponents(query: FullQuery[(A, )], replace: Swap[(B, ), (C, )]) =
    for eid, _ in query:
        eid.replace((B(), ))

proc myApp() {.necsus([~swapComponents], newNecsusConf()).}

One of the benefits of using Swap over combining Detach and Attach is that it allows Necsus to more intelligently create the list of archetypes that are needed. This will speed up build as well as runtime execution.


TimeDelta is a proc(): float filled with the amount of time since the last execution of a system

import necsus

proc showTime(dt: TimeDelta) =
    echo "Time since last system execution: ", dt()

proc myApp() {.necsus([~showTime], newNecsusConf()).}


TimeElapsed is a proc(): float that tracks the amount of time spent executing the current application

import necsus

proc showTime(elapsed: TimeElapsed) =
    echo "Time spent executing app: ", elapsed()

proc myApp() {.necsus([~showTime], newNecsusConf()).}


Local variables are a way to manage state that is specific to one system. Local variables will only be visible to the system that declares them as arguments.

import necsus

proc localVars(executionCount: Local[int]) =
    echo "Total executions so far: ", executionCount.get(0)
    executionCount := executionCount.get(0) + 1

proc myApp() {.necsus([~localVars], newNecsusConf()).}


Shared variables are shared across all systems. Any shared variable with the same type will have access to the same underlying value.

import necsus

proc updateCount(count: Shared[int]) =
    count := count.get(0) + 1

proc printCount(count: Shared[int]) =
    echo "Total executions so far: ", count.get(0)

proc myApp() {.necsus([~updateCount, ~printCount], newNecsusConf()).}

Inbox/Outbox (aka Events)

Inbox and Outbox represent the eventing system in Necsus. Events are published using the Outbox and read using the Inbox. Any Inbox or Outbox with the same type will share the same underlying mailbox.

import necsus

type SomeEvent = distinct string

proc publish(sender: Outbox[SomeEvent]) =
    sender(SomeEvent("This is a message"))

proc receive(receiver: Inbox[SomeEvent]) =
    for event in receiver:
        echo event.string

proc myApp() {.necsus([~publish, ~receive], newNecsusConf()).}

Aside from an Inbox, the other way to listen for events sent to an Outbox is by marking a system with the eventSys pragma. Events with this pragma are executed immediately when an Outbox emits a message. The same code above can also be represented like this:

import necsus

type SomeEvent = distinct string

proc publish(sender: Outbox[SomeEvent]) =
    sender(SomeEvent("This is a message"))

proc receive(event: SomeEvent) {.eventSys.} =
    echo event.string

proc myApp() {.necsus([~publish, ~receive], newNecsusConf()).}

It's worth noting that event systems are executed immediately when an event is triggered. They will be directly invoked by the Outbox, within the call stack of the system that triggers the event.


Bundles are a way of grouping multiple directives into a single object to make them easier to pass around. They are useful when you want to encapsulate a set of logic that needs to operate on multiple directives.

import necsus

    A = object

    B = object

    MyBundle = object
        spawn*: FullSpawn[(A, )]
        attach*: Attach[(B, )]

proc useBundle(bundle: Bundle[MyBundle]) =
    let eid = bundle.spawn.with(A())
    bundle.attach.exec(eid, (B(), ))

proc myApp() {.necsus([~useBundle], newNecsusConf()).}


The Save directive is a proc that performs the following actions:

  1. Invokes all the systems tagged with the saveSys pragma
  2. Serializes the results as a JSON object, where the names of the keys are the names of the types returned from the save systems
  3. Writes the serialized JSON to a stream
import necsus

type MyStrings = seq[string]

proc saveValues(): MyStrings {.saveSys.} =
    @[ "a", "b", "c" ]

proc doSave(save: Save) =
    echo save()
    # The above statement prints: { "MyStrings": [ "a", "b", "c" ] }

proc myApp() {.necsus([~saveValues, ~doSave], newNecsusConf()).}

The benefit of using the Save pragma is that it lets you separate your logic for what needs to be serialized from your logic that defines how to serialize. You can scatter your saveSys systems throughout your project so they are co-located with the other systems they are associated with.


The Restore directive is the opposite of Save. It accepts a JSON stream, deserializes it, then invokes any systems marked with restoreSys. The key names of the JSON are expected to be the type names that get passed into the restoreSys systems.

import necsus

type MyStrings = seq[string]

proc restoreValues(values: MyStrings, spawn: Spawn[(string, )]) {.restoreSys.} =
    ## Called with decoded values with the `Restore` directive is used
    for value in values:

proc doRestore(restore: Restore) =
    restore("""{ "MyStrings": [ "a", "b", "c" ] }""")

proc myApp() {.necsus([~restoreValues, ~doRestore], newNecsusConf()).}


TickId gives you an auto-incrementing ID for each time a tick is executed. This is useful, for example, if you need to track whether an operation has already been performed for the current tick.

import necsus

proc printTickId(tickId: TickId) =
    echo "Current tick ID is ", tickId()

proc myApp() {.necsus([~printTickId], newNecsusConf()).}


When you find yourself in a position that you need to see the exact state that an entity is in, you can get a string dump of that entity by using the EntityDebug directive:

import necsus

    A = object

proc debuggingSystem(query: FullQuery[(A, )], debug: EntityDebug) =
    for eid, _ in query:
        echo debug(eid)

proc myApp() {.necsus([~debuggingSystem], newNecsusConf()).}

Extended System Usage

Beyond the basics of declaring systems and using directives, there are a few more advanced system use cases worth understanding.

Dependencies between systems

A system may require that another system always be paired with it. This can be accomplished by adding the depends pragma, which declares that relationship:

import necsus

proc runFirst() =
    ## No-op system, but it gets run first

proc runSecond() {.depends(runFirst).} =
    ## No-op system that gets run second

proc myApp() {.necsus([~runSecond], newNecsusConf()).}

Instancing systems

For systems that need to maintain state, it can be convenient to hold on to an instance between invocations. You've got two options:

Option 1: Return a Proc

If your system returns a proc, set the return type of your system to SystemInstance. Necsus will invoke your parent proc during setup, and then the returned proc will be invoked for every tick. The proc itself that gets returned here cannot take any arguments. For example:

import necsus

proc someSystem(create: Spawn[(string, )], query: Query[(string,)]): SystemInstance =
    return proc() =
        for (str,) in query:
            echo str

proc myApp() {.necsus([~someSystem], newNecsusConf()).}

This makes it easier to capture the pragmas from your parent system as closure variables, which can then be freely used.

Option 2: Return an Object

Your other option is to return an object from the parent proc. First, mark your parent proc with the instanced pragma. The parent proc will get invoked once during the startup phase, and then a tick proc will get invoked as part of the main loop. This also allows you to create a =destroy proc that gets invoked during teardown:

import necsus

type MySystem = object
    query: Query[(string,)]

proc someSystem(create: Spawn[(string, )], query: Query[(string,)]): MySystem {.instanced.} =
    result.query = query

proc tick(system: var MySystem) =
    for (str,) in system.query:
        echo str

proc `=destroy`(system: var MySystem) =
    echo "Destroying system"

proc myApp() {.necsus([~someSystem], newNecsusConf()).}

Building Re-usable systems

Reusing code is obviously a fundamental aspect of programming, and using generics is a fundamental aspect of that in Nim. Necsus, however, can't resolve generic parameters by itself. It needs to know exactly what components need to be passed to each system at compile time.

To work around this, you can assign systems to variables, and then pass those variables into your app:

import necsus

    SomeComponent = object
    AnotherComponent = object

proc genericSpawner[T](): auto =
    return proc (create: Spawn[(T, )]) =

let spawnSomeComponent = genericSpawner[SomeComponent]()
let spawnAnotherComponent = genericSpawner[AnotherComponent]()

proc myApp() {.necsus([~spawnSomeComponent, ~spawnAnotherComponent], newNecsusConf()).}

It's worth mentioning that if you start using type aliases, Nim's type system tends to hide those from the macro system -- they generally get resolved directly down to the type they are aliasing. To work around that, you can add explicit type declarations or use templates to define your systems.

Game State Management

Oftentimes, games will have various states they can be in at a high level. For example, your game may have states to represent "loading", "playing", "won" or "lost". For this, you can annotate a system with the active pragma so it only executes when the game is in a specific state. Shared directives are then used for changing between states.

import necsus

type GameState = enum Loading, Playing, Won, Lost

proc showWon() {.active(Won).} =
    echo "Game won!"

proc switchGameState(state: Shared[GameState]) =
    ## System that changes the game state to "won"
    state := Won

proc myApp() {.necsus([~showWon, ~switchGameState], newNecsusConf()).}


At an app level, there are a few more features worth discussing.

App Arguments

Any arguments passed into your app will be available as Shared arguments to your systems:

import necsus

proc exampleSystem(input: Shared[string]) =
    echo input.get()

proc myApp(input: string) {.necsus([~exampleSystem], newNecsusConf()).}

App Return Type

If an app has a return value, it can be set in a system via a Shared argument:

import necsus

proc setAppReturn(appReturns: Shared[string]) =
    appReturns.set("Return value from app")

proc myApp(): string {.necsus([~setAppReturn], newNecsusConf()).}

App Configuration

Runtime configuration for the execution environment can be controlled through the newNecsusConf() call passed to the necsus pragma. For example, the number of entities to reserve at startup can be configured as follows:

import necsus

proc myApp() {.necsus([], newNecsusConf(entitySize = 100_000)).}


With the default tick runner, exiting the app is done through a Shared directive:

import necsus

proc immediateExit(exit: Shared[NecsusRun]) =
    ## Immediately exit the first time this system is called
    exit := ExitLoop

proc myApp() {.necsus([~immediateExit], newNecsusConf()).}


Accessory Components

As the number of archetypes in your app creeps up, it increases the build time of your app and the size of the generated binary. One way to combat this is with accessory components. When a component type is marked with the {.accessory.} it will no longer trigger the generation of a new archetype. Instead, it is stored as an optional value attached to existing archetypes. This is an entirely internal change. For the rest of the app, an accessory components looks like any other component in the system.

The downside of accessory components is that they incur a runtime overhead for queries. Instead of being able to blindly iterate of the values in an archetype, Necsus now needs to check whether an accessory exists for every row in an archetype.

import necsus

    ItemName = string
    IsEquiped {.accessory.} = object

proc createInventory(create: Spawn[(ItemName, )]) =

proc equip(items: FullQuery[(ItemName, Not[IsEquiped])], equip: Attach[(IsEquiped, )]) =
    for eid, _ in items:
        eid.equip((IsEquiped(), ))

proc myApp() {.necsus([~createInventory, ~equip], newNecsusConf()).}

Custom runners

The runner is the function used to execute the primary system loop. The default runner is fairly simple -- it executes the loop systems repeatedly until the Shared NecsusRun variable flips over to ExitLoop. If you need more control over your game loop, you can pass in your own.

The last argument for a custom runner must be the tick callback. Any other arguments will be processed in the same manner as a system. This allows your runner to access entities, shared values, or events.

import necsus

proc customRunner*(count: Shared[int], tick: proc(): void) =
    # Loop until 1000 iterations completed
    while count.get(0) < 1_000:

proc incrementer(count: Shared[int]) =
    count.set(count.get(0) + 1)

proc myApp() {.necsus(customRunner, [~incrementer], newNecsusConf()).}


Don't call me, I'll call you

There are situations where you may not want Necsus to be in charge of executing the loop. For example, if you are integrating with an SDK that uses a callback mechanism for controlling the main game loop. In those situations, you can manually initialize your app and invoke the tick function that Necsus generates:

import necsus

proc myExampleSystem() =

proc myApp() {.necsus([~myExampleSystem], newNecsusConf()).}

# Initialize the app and execute the main loop 3 times
var app: myAppState

When using Necsus in this setup, you can send data and events in from the outside world either through the initialization arguments, or using an inbox:

import necsus

    MyData = object
        value: string

    MyEvent = object
        value: string

proc printData(data: Shared[MyData]) =
    echo data.get.value

proc printEvent(events: Inbox[MyEvent]) =
    for event in events:
        echo event.value

proc myApp(data: MyData) {.necsus([~printData, ~printEvent], newNecsusConf()).}

var app: myAppState
app.initMyApp(MyData(value: "some data"))

app.sendMyEvent(MyEvent(value: "some event"))
app.sendMyEvent(MyEvent(value: "another event"))



There are a few useful design patterns that are useful when using Necsus

Extending Tuples

There will be times when you want to create similar entities, but with slightly different overall sets of components. You could use generics for this purpose, but Necsus has rules around the sort order of entities, so this doesn't always work. Instead, you can use the extend macro to combine two tuples into one. You can also use the join macro to create actual instances of a tuple that was defined using extend:

import necsus

    EnemyState = enum Alive, Dead

    Health = int

    GroundUnit = object

    SkyUnit = object

    BaseEnemyComponents = (EnemyState, Health)

proc base(health: int): BaseEnemyComponents = (Alive, health)

proc createEnemies*(
    createGround: Spawn[extend(BaseEnemyComponents, (GroundUnit, ))],
    createSky: Spawn[extend(BaseEnemyComponents, (SkyUnit, ))],
) {.startupSys.} =
    createGround.set(join(base(200) as BaseEnemyComponents, (GroundUnit(), ) as (GroundUnit, )))
    createSky.set(join(base(100) as BaseEnemyComponents, (SkyUnit(), ) as (SkyUnit, )))

proc myApp() {.necsus([~createEnemies], newNecsusConf()).}

Encapsulation using Bundles

Bundles provide a way to put all your entity state logic in one place, then call it from other places. For example, you might have a state machine for an enemy that can change in various ways. You can put that logic in a single file:

import necsus, options

    EnemyState = enum Alive, Attacking, KnockedBack, Dead

    EnemyData = object
        state: EnemyState
        hitPoints: int

    EnemyControl* = object
        createEnemy: Spawn[(EnemyData, )]
        findEnemy: Lookup[(ptr EnemyData, )]

proc createEnemy*(control: Bundle[EnemyControl], hitPoints: int) =
    control.createEnemy.with(EnemyData(state: Alive, hitPoints: hitPoints))

proc damage*(control: Bundle[EnemyControl], enemy: EntityId, damage: int) =
    control.findEnemy(enemy).map do (data: auto) -> void:
        data[0].hitPoints -= damage
        if data[0].hitPoints <= 0:
            data[0].state = Dead
            data[0].state = KnockedBack

Listening to state changes

When you have an action that needs to be executed once when a state changes, you can encapsulate your state changes into a Bundle, then publish an event into an Outbox. For example, imagine a project laid out in a few files like this:

## gameState.nim

import necsus

    GameState* = enum Loading, Playing, Won, Lost

    StateManager* = object
        state: Shared[GameState]
        stateChange: Outbox[GameState]

proc change*(manager: Bundle[StateManager], newState: GameState) =
    ## Central entry point when the game state needs to be changed
    manager.state := newState

## customSystem.nim

proc customSystem*(stateChanges: Inbox[GameState]) =
    for newState in stateChanges:
        echo "State changed to ", newState

## changeStateSystem.nim

proc changeStateSystem(manager: Bundle[StateManager], winConditionMet: Shared[bool]) =
    if winConditionMet.get(false):

## app.nim

proc app() {.necsus([~customSystem, ~changeStateSystem], newNecsusConf()).}

Testing Systems

To test a system, you can use the runSystemOnce macro. It accepts a single lambda as an argument and will invoke that lambda as if it were a system. You can then pass those directives to other systems, or interact with them directly.

import unittest, necsus

proc myExampleSystem(str: Shared[string]) =
    str := "foo"

runSystemOnce do (str: Shared[string]) -> void:
    test "Execute myExampleSystem":
        check(str.get == "foo")


Profiling systems

To get a quick and dirty idea of how your app is performing, you can compile with the -d:profile flag set. This will cause Necsus to add profiling code that will report how long each system is taking. It takes measurements, and then outputs the timings to the console.


To understand what is happening in various systems over time, various flags can be enabled to emit trace-level logs. They are:

  • -d:necsusSystemTrace: Logs before and after a system is executed
  • -d:necsusEntityTrace: Logs whenever an entity is spawned, deleted, or modified in some way
  • -d:necsusEventTrace: Logs whenever an event is sent
  • -d:necsusQueryTrace: Logs when a query is executed
  • -d:necsusSaveTrace: Logs whenever save or restore is triggered

Dumping Generated Code

If Necsus isn't behaving as you would expect, the best tool you've got in your toolbox is the ability to dump the code that it generates. This allows you to walk through what is happening, or even substitute the generated code into your app and execute it. This can be enabled by compiling with the -d:dump flag set.

Dumping Archetypes

If you find that builds are slowing down, it's often caused by archetypes being created that are never used. You can set the -d:archetypes flag as part of your build to do a dump of all the archetypes that exist. This gives you a jumping-off point to see which archetypes are never actually used, then update your project so they are never created in the first place. For example, with targeted usage of Query versus FullQuery or Spawn vs FullSpawn.


Code released under the Apache 2.0 license