Welcome new developers!
Here you find the resources and helps to get you started.
- VeChain Dev for tech advancements [Twitter]
- VeChain Dev Community, serious discussions on new projects and muscle hirings [Telegram]
- Official Explorer [web] [frontend] [backend]
- VeChainStats by Fabian [web] [Telegram]
- VeChainThorScan [web] [Telegram]
- Insight by QianBin [web]
- Insight backup site by MiRei [web]
You can access public VeChain blockchain nodes here. But highly recommended to run your own VeChain node to connect to the rest of us.
- Offical node source code, deployment guide. [link]
- SDKs of wallets, keys, transactions, ABI and debug. [Python] [JavaScript] [C#] [Java]
- Faucet to get free coins (testnet) [web]
- Online IDE [web]
- Inspector, deploy byte code and interact with smart contracts online. [web]
- Keys generation (test only) [web]
- Connex, high level Typescript interface to connect VeChain and users. [source code]
- Sync, official wallet and a Connex runtime on Windows, Linux and Mac. [link]
- Token Registry, submit your new token address here to appear in the official wallets. [submit]
- App Hub, submit and view Dapps here. [view] [submit]
- B32, submit and view known smart contracts here. This helps official explorer to better decode logs. [submit]
- Picasso, lib to build pretty avatars for addresses. [souce code]
- VeChain technical basics [view] [source code]
- How to work with Connex interface of VeChain [view]
- How to develop a simple Dapp on VeChain [view]
- How VIP-191 fee delegation works and how to use it [view]
- How MPP works and how to use it [view]
- How to fast deploy a smart contract [view]
- Better understand VeChain proposals and standards (VIP-191, VIP-181, etc.) [view]
- How to setup a custom private network [view]
- How to setup a solo development network [view]
- How to work with Python SDK of VeChain [wallet] [transaction] [call contract] [calculate gas]
- How to recover VET sent to an ETH address Binance Q&A Article
- How to save your VTHO that is stuck on a smart contract [view]
- How to build VeChain node on Windows [view]
- How to move X-Node to Ledger [view]
- X-Node manager by Fabian [view]
- Token transfer tools [VeChainTokens] [MyTokens]
- Security Guidance for running a public VeChain node. [view]
- Nginx Configuration for running a public VeChain node. [view]
- How to sign your Tx offline and send it online with mobile wallet. [view]
- How to swap VEN to VET [view]