A natural language classifier for Node Natural using the harthur-org/brain.js fork of BrainJS, a JavaScript neural network:
Note: This classifier passes the same tests as the Node Natural Bayes classifier.
npm install natural-brain
var BrainJSClassifier = require('natural-brain');
var classifier = new BrainJSClassifier();
classifier.addDocument('my unit-tests failed.', 'software');
classifier.addDocument('tried the program, but it was buggy.', 'software');
classifier.addDocument('tomorrow we will do standup.', 'meeting');
classifier.addDocument('the drive has a 2TB capacity.', 'hardware');
classifier.addDocument('i need a new power supply.', 'hardware');
classifier.addDocument('can you play some new music?', 'music');
console.log(classifier.classify('did the tests pass?')); // -> software
console.log(classifier.classify('did you buy a new drive?')); // -> hardware
console.log(classifier.classify('What is the capacity?')); // -> hardware
console.log(classifier.classify('Lets meet tomorrow?')); // -> meeting
console.log(classifier.classify('Can you play some stuff?')); // -> music
Copyright (c) 2016
Licensed under the MIT license.