In this tutorial:
- Mathematics and study statistics, and how to calculate important numbers based on data set
Reference site: w3schools
Implementation of KNeighbors Classifier
Evaluating model using Normalized random data
Building a basic OCR (Optical Character Recognition) application algorithm using KNeighbors Classifier
Evaluating model using Hand-written Digits related to Mnist numbers
Reference sites: opencv
Mnist, Hand-written numbers image: Mnist numbers
Apply Knn classifier with different values of k on Iris Dataset and plot test accuracy
Calculate and plot Confusion Matrix for predicted values with k = 5
Adaline on random generated data for weight and height of humans
linregress of scipy package - plot slope
- Adaline on random generated data for hair length of men and women
Select two classes of Iris Dataset and Apply Adaline Classifier
Calculate accuracy
Comparison accuracy of Adaline Classifier with KNN on Select classes
Implementation of perceptron class, evaluate and predict function
Perceptron-Classification on linear data
Implementation of perceptron class, evaluate and predict function
Preprocessing data using pandas library
Perceptron-Regression on weatherHistory dataset
MLP on Titanic Dataset, sequential model - tensorflow and keras
12-2, 12-3, 12-4: Comparison accuracy of MLP with KNN, Adaline and perceptron on Titanic Dataset
MLP accuracy = 96%
Knn accuracy = 65%
Adaline accuracy = 86%
perceptron accuracy = 34%
- Dataset link: titanic
Result on wandb: MLP-HousePrices
Dataset link: house-prices
- Train Neural Network on weather-dataset using tensorflow and keras
Dataset link: weather-dataset
- Loss on test data: 3.0455
Learning Rate schedules in Practice