The new and improved version of old word search.
- The code must be commented and documented.
- All code must pass the respective tests.
- All commits shall be clean, concise and include co-authors.
- All members in the group must understand the code and approve the pull request.
Visual Studio Code 1.52.0 and Newer. Live Share Flutter Dart Awesome Flutter Snippets
Windows/Linux - Ubuntu 20.04
Android studio 4.1.1 Android Emulator - Pixel_3a_API_30_x86
Database Firebase - Real time database
Git Branches
Branch names should use snake_case. Needs to be approved by at least 2 members of the group, besides the marge request creator.
Git Command Reference -
To install framework Flutter which is required for this project follow instructions showed in the link from official Flutter website.
Linux install: (Not WSL or WSL2)
Windows install:
- snake_case: file names.
- UpperCamelCase: classes.
- lowerCamelCase: variables, functions. Everything that isn't featured above, you can find on this website =>
- We make tests via Flutters built-in tools.
- We will be using Dart as our main programming language.
- For Dart, we will be using the framework Flutter.
- We are storing total amount:
- Clicks
- Games played