- All team members should understand the code and be capable to make changes to it.
- Complex code should be commented.
- Automated tests should be written for each feature if applicable.
- Proper documentation should be written if necessary.
- Feature Branches.
- Everyone on site should submit a review for each pull request before merging with the main branch.
- Small commits.
- Feature branch naming conventions:
- Dashes in place of spaces.
- No capital letters.
- Short and concise branch names.
- Example: my-feature-branch.
- Spaces: Tabs, not spaces.
- Comments: English, first letter capitalized. Comment symbol (#) at the beginning of the line, but the comment itself indented the same way as surrounding code.
- End of Line Sequence: LF
- Godot 3.2.3 (stable)
- GDScript