Development (features that are not finished) is pushed to development branch
<div class="carousel-item slide" data-interval="10000" style= "background-color: #190f27;">
<img src="images/small-toast.png" alt="..." class="productslide " id="toast" >
<img src="images/dot.png" alt="..." class="productslide" id="dot">
<img src="images/money-dot.png" alt="..." class="productslide" id="moneydot">
<div class="carousel-caption d-none d-md-block" id="productprice">
<p class="toast-text">Toast</p>
<p class="price">15 kr</p>
The first div-tag tells you that this is a slide (class="carousel-item slide), everything within this tag is a part of the slide.
To create a new slide, copy the code above and put it under the existing "carousel-item" tags
Note: Images should have a width between 950-1000px and a height of 600-700px.
data-interval="10000" determines how many milliseconds have to pass before it changes to the next slide, 10000ms is 10 seconds
style="background-color: #190f27" is only used for the dark purple background color.
It's recommended to use the same color on all slides for the sake of cohesion.
To add a new image save it as .png format and put it in the images folder, then change the src in the code to your new image:
class="toastslide" is used to make sure that all objects on the slide has "position: absolute;" so that their positions are not affected by other objects
It's recommended that every slide has its own class="toastslide".
The alt tag is used to describe an image in case its not loaded correctly, every img-tag should have an alt attribute.
id="ImageName" is only used to position images.
The id for dot.png and money-dot.png is recommended to be used for all slides as they position the purple bubbles with the price on.
Id:s that are used to position a product can be created and adjusted but make sure that the whole image is within the bubble.
Make sure that the products id has "z-index: 1;" so that it is on the correct layer.
id="pricetoast" is used to position the text and to put the text on the top layer.
This should not be changed although depending on the length on the text a new id may be necessary.
Make sure that the price always is in the bubble.
class="carousel-caption d-none d-md-block" is used to add text and contains all text on the slide.
Text should be in its own <p>-tag within the <div class="carousel-caption d-none d-md-block">-tag.
class="toast-text" and class"price" determines what font-size the text is.
The same font-size should be used on all products and prices.
Windows 10 Education
Type in these commands in GitBash to clone down the files onto your computer:
git clone
Jetbrains Pycharm Community Edition 2019.2.1
Selenium 3.141.0
pip install selenium==3.141.0
html5validator 0.3.1
pip install html5validator==0.3.1
Download Chromedriver.exe and save it in the same folder as the tests. Automatically run tests at each commit:
1. Open File Explorer, click view and turn on hidden items.
2. Navigate to the ".git" folder then naviagate to the "hooks" folder.
3. Rename the file "pre-commit.sample" to "pre-commit" and replace all code with the following lines:
For Git/cafeteria-skylt:
cd PyTests
Google Chrome 77.0.3865.40
Coding Language:
Framework: (Compiled CSS and JS)
For the website to work you need to link to bootstraps css. Using these lines:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css">
Use these lines to link to bootstraps Javascript in the following order:
<script type='text/javascript' src="js/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src="js/popper.min.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
Tool and OS that are necessary:
1. Install SD card formatting tool
2. Insert SD card in computer
3. Format SD card with installed tool
4. Download NOOBS from raspberry website
5. Unzip and transfer NOOBS directory content to SD card boot folder
6. Plug in SD card into raspberry pi and connect to a Wi-Fi
7. After connecting select Raspian and select install
8. Follow install wizard to install Raspian on SD card
To start configuring your Raspberry Pi 3B+, Create a directory named "Git" in /home/pi/.
Change active directory to the Git directory with the command "cd /home/pi/Git"
and then clone the git repostitory with the command "git clone"
change directory to python using the command "cd /home/pi/Git/cafeteria-skylt/Raspberry/python"
and then enter the command "python" to run a script that will configure your Raspberry Pi 3B+.
1. Open the Command Line Interface and type the following command:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
2. Find the disable_overscan line and change it to:
1. On the taskbar, navigate to Preferences and click Screen Configuration
2. Under Configure, click screens, choose HDMI 1, then orientation and choose left.
3. Then again under Configure, click screens, choose HDMI 1, then click Orientation and choose 1920x1080.
1. Open Chromium browser
2. Go to Settings --> Advanced Settings --> Language
3. Untick Offer to Translate Page checkbox
4. Exit Browser
This has to be done every 365 days to prevent an update prompt
1. Paste this command in the terminal:
sudo touch /etc/chromium-browser/customizations/01-disable-update-check;echo CHROMIUM_FLAGS="${CHROMIUM_FLAGS} --check-for-update-interval=31536000" | sudo tee /etc/chromium-browser/customizations/01-disable-update-check
Already done if you followed the configuration step
1. Open the Command Line Interface and type in the following command:
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
2. Add the following lines at the bottom:
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@chromium-browser --kiosk /home/pi/Git/cafeteria-skylt/public/index.html --incognito
Already done if you followed the configuration step
1. Open Command Line Interface and type in the following commands:
sudo apt-get install unclutter
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
2. Add the following line at the bottom:
@unclutter -idle 3
1. Right-click on the panel and click Panel Settings.
2. In the Geometry tab, change size to:
Height = 200 pixels
Width = 200 pixels
Icon size = 16 pixels
Edge = Right
Alignment = Bottom
3. In the advanced tab, turn on automatic hiding with "size when minimized" at 0 pixels.
4. In the appearance tab select solid color for taskbar.
Already done if you followed the configuration step
1. Open Command Line Interface and type in the following command:
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
2. Comment out @xscreensaver -no-splash using a hashtag at the beginning of that line.
3. Then add this line:
@xset s off
4. Save and exit.
1. Open Command Line Interface and type in the following command:
sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt
2. In the editor, at the end of the line add:
Already done if you followed the configuration step
1. Open Command Line Interface and type in the following command:
sudo cp /home/pi/Git/cafeteria-skylt/RaspberryPi/configuration/pix/splash.png /usr/share/plymouth/themes/pix/splash.png
Already done if you followed the configuration step
1. Right-click on desktop and select desktop preferences.
2. Under the desktop tab, in the Picture setting, select the picture named purple-logo.png
Already done if you followed the configuration step
To link the python file so it will run when you boot the Raspberry pi and continue to run follow these steps:
1. Configure git and clone down the cafeteria-skylt repository in /home/pi/Git
2. Open the Command Line Interface and write the following command:
sudo nano /etc/profile
3. Add the following line at the bottom:
python3 /home/pi/Git/cafeteria-skylt/RaspberryPi/python/ &
Notice: You will get an error each time the autopull script runs that is as follows (Fatal: unable to get credential storage lock: File exists)
The autopull script will still run as intended.
To be able to control your raspberry's graphical interface remotely, follow these steps.
1. Open the Command Line Interface and enter the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server realvnc-vnc-viewer
2. Write the command sudo raspi-config
3. Navigate to Interfacing Options and enable Vnc
4. Get your raspberry's private ip by writing ifconfig in the Command Line
5. Enter the ip in VNC viewer on your desktop and write the raspberry's username and password when promted:
Username: pi
Password: raspberry
1. Open the Command Line Interface and enter the following command:
crontab -e
2. Type 1 to chose nano as your editor
3. Go to the bottom of the opened document and type in the two following commands:
* 18 * * * vcgencmd display_power 0
30 6 * * * vcgencmd display_power 1
asterisk 1 = minutes (from 0 to 59)
asterisk 2 = hours (from 0 to 24)
asterisk 3 = day of month (from 1 to 31)
asterisk 4 = month (from 1 to 12)
asterisk 5 = day of week (from 0 to 7 where 0 to 6 is sunday to saturday and 7 is also sunday)
example: 0 10 * * * vcgencmd display_power 0
5 10 * * * vcgencmd display_power 1
this will turn of HDMI output at 10:00 and start it agian at 10:05
Standard for indents , one indents
The standard language for variable names, class names and such is english.
Comments in html are written this way: <!-- this is a comment -->.
Comments in css are written this way: /* this is a comment */
Comments in Python are written with hashtags at the beginning of the line. #This is a comment
HTML5 Style Guide is to be followed.
Variables should match in indentation. if (var1, var2, var3, var4)