- Background
- Usage
- Content
- Siganl Processing
- Data Preprocessing
- Deep Learning Modal
- Future
Using deep learning method to process audio data after MFCC algoritm to classify different instruments.
Before installing Keras, please install one of its backend engines: TensorFlow, Theano, or CNTK. We recommend the TensorFlow backend.
Theano installation instructions. CNTK installation instructions. You may also consider installing the following optional dependencies:
cuDNN (recommended if you plan on running Keras on GPU). HDF5 and h5py (required if you plan on saving Keras models to disk). graphviz and pydot (used by visualization utilities to plot model graphs). Then, you can install Keras itself. There are two ways to install Keras:
sudo pip install keras If you are using a virtualenv, you may want to avoid using sudo:
pip install keras Alternatively: install Keras from the GitHub source: First, clone Keras using git:
git clone https://github.com/keras-team/keras.git Then, cd to the Keras folder and run the install command:
cd keras sudo python setup.py install
Part of code will be showed below to help you guys understand what I have done.
In the audio spectrum after doing Short-Time Fourier Transform, for a piece of audio to divide this into many frame, spectrogram can be obtained in which formant can be found more readily.So before processing the audio pieces,just transfer the audio pieces into spectrogram.
file1 = dir('NoteSamples\BbClar\*.wav');
lb = length(file1);
windowham = hamming(2048);
Bpoint = zeros(length(file1), 3);
for i = 1:length(file1)
temp = wavread(['NoteSamples\BbClar\',file1(i).name]);
a = 1;
b = 2048;
for j = 1:5
frame = temp(a + (10+j-1-1)*2048: b + (10+j-1-1)*2048, 1);
frame = frame.*windowham;
if ((i == 1) && (j == 1))
Bb = frame;
Bb = [Bb frame];
C = myCeps(frame, 21, 2048);
if ((i == 1) && (j == 1))
BbCldat = C;
BbCldat = [BbCldat C];
Since the frequency component are concentrate on human range,Mel filters are used to process the signal
maxmelf = 2595*log10(1+22050/700);
sidewidth = maxmelf/(22+1);
index = 0:21;
filterbankcenter = (10.^(((index+1)*sidewidth)/2595)-1)*700;
filterbankstart = (10.^((index*sidewidth)/2595)-1)*700;
filterbankend = (10.^(((index+2)*sidewidth)/2595)-1)*700;
filterbankcenter = floor(filterbankcenter*1024/22050);
filterbankstart = floor(filterbankstart*1024/22050);
filterbankend = floor(filterbankend*1024/22050);
filterbankstart(1) = 1;
filtmag = zeros(1024, 1);
tbfCoef = zeros(22, 1);
Transfer the amplitude into DB:
Transferring spectrogram into cepstral to separate spectral envelope and spectral details.Formants are more obvious in envelope.So that is the reason we did this. The way to realize this is doing the DCT(Discrete Consine Transform similar to IFFT).
for i = 1:22
for j = filterbankstart(i):filterbankcenter(i)
filtmag(j, 1) = (j-filterbankstart(i))/(filterbankcenter(i)-filterbankstart(i));
for j = filterbankcenter(i):filterbankend(i)
filtmag(j, 1) = (filterbankend(i)-j)/(filterbankend(i)-filterbankcenter(i));
%spectragram after filter
tbfCoef(i, 1) = sum(FR(filterbankstart(i):filterbankend(i)).*filtmag(filterbankstart(i):filterbankend(i)));
tbfCoef = log(abs(tbfCoef));
cc = dct(tbfCoef);
cc = cc(1:p, 1);
What the algorihm get is a 21 * 1 vector for a frame.
In this project, there are three instruments needed to be classified.But they are three different strings. If we want to input those labels into LSTM, we have to transfer these into numbers. For those three lables(Flute, Clarinet and Trumpet),an unkown instrument has the same possibility to be any of them. So using one hot key encoding to ensure the euqal possibility(same distance to each other(vectors))
def one_hot(label,instance_size,onehot_number):#onehot number equals to the number of classes
onehot_matrix = np.zeros((instance_size,onehot_number))
for i in range(instance_size):
if label[i] == 1:
onehot_matrix[i,0] = 1
elif label[i] == 2:
onehot_matrix[i,1] = 1
elif label[i] == 3:
onehot_matrix[i,2] = 1
return onehot_matrix
What normalization did is contract the range of input. In this project, we get a 21 * 5 matrix for a frame of audio. Values in each matrix varies. What LSTM need to obtain are some coefficients to calculate predicted result. Normalization help us limit values of features into a small range which can enhance the efficiency of learning. In this project minmax normalization is implemented.
def normalize(data):
len_batch,lenx,leny = data.shape
for i in range(len_batch):
for j in range(leny):
(data[i,:,j] - data[i,:,j].mean()) / data[i,:,j].var()
return data
To minimize the influence of the sequence of input matrix, we use a random seed to shuffle input data. Before we use the modal to testing dataset training dataset has to be splitted into training and tuning dateset to give a feedback to modal.
def data_splitting(data):
lenx,leny = data.shape
length = leny - 900
for i in range(length):
data = np.delete(data,-1,1)
return data
def batch_transpose(data):
len_batch,lenx,leny = data.shape
new_data = np.zeros(((len_batch,leny,lenx)))
for i in range(len_batch):
new_data[i,:,:] = np.transpose(data[i,:,:])
return new_data
#normalize the data
train_norm = normalize(train_data_transpose)
tune_norm = normalize(tune_data_transpose)
#one hot key
train_onehot = one_hot(train_label,len(train_label),3)
tune_onehot = one_hot(tune_label,len(tune_label),3)
#build RNN model
model = Sequential()
##RNN cell
# for batch_input_shape, if using tensorflow as the backend, we have to put None for the batch_size.
# Otherwise, model.evaluate() will get error.
batch_input_shape=(BATCH_SIZE, TIME_STEPS, INPUT_SIZE), # Or: input_dim=INPUT_SIZE, input_length=TIME_STEPS,
output_dim = CELL_SIZE,
# output layer
# optimizer
adam = Adam(LR)
In the future work, I plan to change the MFCC algoirhtm to differential MFCC algorithm. Then training data set is not big enough. So collecting more data from Internet is also neccessary.