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Repository for GDC models that do not have a dependency on psqlgraph.

The ng in gdc-ng-models stands for non-graph.


psql -c "create user gdc_test with superuser password 'gdc_test';" -U postgres
psql -c 'create database automated_test with owner "gdc_test";' -U postgres
pytest tests/

Or we can use tox for testing

pip install tox


At the time of this writing, a database migration of ng-models had not occurred in awhile. There are multiple references for running the migrations.

Command-Line Scripts

This repository supplies the ng-models script which allows you to create the databases and tables in development and production environments.

To use, supply the -m parameter specifying the module (and related models/tables to be created). See example usage below:

ng-models -m misc --host -d automated_test -u postgres -p postgres

Setup the execution environment

If you would like to run alembic directly.

# datatools.service.consul or repl.service.consul
sudo -i -u ubuntu # Ubuntu Pro
sudo -i -u ec2-user # Amazon Linux

export http_proxy=http://cloud-proxy:3128 && export https_proxy=http://cloud-proxy:3128
git clone
cd gdc-ng-models/
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python --version  # verify the python version, expects python 3.9
pip install -e ".[alembic]" --index-url

Update the alembic.ini file for local execution, if running on the datatools VM this will already be configured in /var/tungsten/services/datatools/alembic.ini sqlalchemy.url = postgres://dev_admin:<pass>@postgres.service.consul/dev_gdc

Option: Install database models

# Uncomment the target environment for execution
# export ENV_PREFIX=prod PASS=$(cat __path_to_password_file__/prod_admin) # PROD
# export ENV_PREFIX=qa PASS=$(cat __path_to_password_file__/qa_admin) # QA
# export ENV_PREFIX=dev PASS=$(cat __path_to_password_file__/dev_admin) # DEV
export MODEL=<model_name> # e.g., MODEL=cohort

# Create tables
ng-models \
  -m $MODEL \
  --host postgres.service.consul \
  -d ${ENV_PREFIX}_gdc \
  -u $USER \
  -p "$PASS" create

# Add write permission
ng-models \
  -m $MODEL \
  --host postgres.service.consul \
  -d ${ENV_PREFIX}_gdc \
  -u $USER \
  -p "$PASS" \
  grant -r ${ENV_PREFIX}_graph_readwrite -P write

# Add READ permission
ng-models \
  -m $MODEL \
  --host postgres.service.consul \
  -d ${ENV_PREFIX}_gdc \
  -u $USER \
  -p "$PASS" \
  grant -r ${ENV_PREFIX}_graph_readonly -P read

Option: Migrate database models

WARNING: That '+' sign in front of '+1' is REALLY important.

Using Alembic migrate existing data models

NOTE: offline mode - alembic will print out the sql it will execute for upgrade and downgrade commands if you supply the --sql flag. It does not accept relative identifiers.

# `alembic_migration` is a script held in tungsten and deployed to the datatools VM
# datatools uses the alembic from gdc-ng-models.
#   alembic==1.13.0
#      # via gdc-ng-models

# make sure the migration scripts you want to run are located in /var/tungsten/services/datatools/deploy/current/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gdc_ng_models/alembic/versions

# check to see what version is currently in postgres (if its empty, also fine)
sudo bash alembic_migration current  # with wrapper on datatools
  # or
  alembic --config alembic.ini current # on repl (need to update the sqlalchemy.url in alembic.ini)

# apply the necessary migrations (if you want to apply all of them, do the following)
sudo bash alembic_migration upgrade head
  # or upgrade to version
  alembic --config alembic.ini upgrade +1

# if you just wanted to apply 1 revision from the current HEAD, do the following
sudo bash alembic_migration upgrade +1
  # or upgrade to version
  alembic --config alembic.ini upgrade +1
  # or get the SQL to run manually
  alembic --config alembic.ini upgrade 12dbbcac7a1d:38eab5dd7b0d --sql

# if you want to rollback 1 revision from the current HEAD, do the following
sudo bash alembic_migration downgrade -1
  # or downgrade to version
  alembic --config alembic.ini downgrade e9d53a640d5d
  # or get the SQL to run manually
  alembic --config alembic.ini downgrade 12dbbcac7a1d:e9d53a640d5d --sql

Setup pre-commit hook to check for secrets

We use pre-commit to setup pre-commit hooks for this repo. We use detect-secrets to search for secrets being committed into the repo.

To install the pre-commit hook, run

pre-commit install

To update the .secrets.baseline file run

detect-secrets scan --update .secrets.baseline

.secrets.baseline contains all the string that were caught by detect-secrets but are not stored in plain text. Audit the baseline to view the secrets .

detect-secrets audit .secrets.baseline