A work in progress replacement for the Maya Script Editor
Written in Python 3 so will only work with more modern version of Maya testing on Maya 2023 using PySide2
See TODO.md for roadmap
This editor can be installed in any location I usually use my home directory.
git clone [email protected]:/NCCA/MayaEditor
If you don't have a git account you can download the zip and extract it.
There is a simple python script to install and create the module file for the maya plugin. This is in the root of the project folder and is called installEditor.py . This will locate the modules folder for the OS and generate the file MayaEditor.mod. This file is located in the Users home folder in one of the following locations.
- Linux : $HOME/maya
- Mac : $HOME/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya
- Windows %HOMEPATH%\Documents\maya\
python3 ./installEditor.py
If this install doesn't work you can edit the provided file and modify the path to the correct locations
+ MayaEditor 1.0 /Users/jmacey/teaching/Code/MayaEditor
MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH +:= plug-ins
The plugin can be loaded from the plugin manager as shown
The editor will auto load and display. If you close the window it can be re-opened using the following code
import maya.cmds as cmds