Antimicrobial Resistance Characterization in Metagenomes
- NastyBugs
- Bugs_And_Drugs (Based on MagicBlast)
- Compare alignment of FASTQ files 1) MagicBlast 2) HMM-er and 3) MASH using reference AMR Finder database
- Generate a "hits" file with aligned reads to each of the publically available AMR databases
- Determine species and plasmid contextual information about AMR genes by creating a merged chromosome and plasmid database and BLAST-ting "hits"
- AMR Finder, which includes:
- Input: SRA ID
- Output files: AMR hits file, AMR by species, AMR's on plasmids
- Create Blast Databases
- Use SamTools
- Input SRA/FASTQ to MagicBlast or HHM-er
- SKESA guided assembly
- Species identification, plasmid identification & Alignment and Statistics
# Download [RefSeq Plasmid Database](
## Use [FTP]( to download plasmid database, and concatinate into one file
# Download [AMR Finder Database](
## Use webserver to download database [AMR_CDS](
# Download [bacterial chromosome Databases](
## Search assemblies all[sb]
## Download Assembly: Bacteria, Latest RefSeq, Assembly from Type
## Download Assembly: Bacteria, Latest RefSeq, Reference
# Merge Plasmid, Assembly from Type, Reference Databses
## Create non-redudant list of accession numbers
# Create Blast Databases
## AMR blast db
## Merged Plasmid, Assembly from Type, Reference
#**command line**
/opt/ncbi-blast-2.9.0+/bin/makeblastdb -in /data/DBs/Bacteria_type_rep_plasmid_cat_nr.fa -parse_seqids -input_type fasta -dbtype nucl -out /data/DBs/Bacteria_type_rep_plasmid_refseq_nr.blastdb -max_file_sz 4GB
# Create Mash sketches:
## mash sketch -i AMR.fa
## mash sketch -i -p 12 Bacteria_rep.fna
## mash sketch -i -p 12 Bacteria_typ.fna
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# Use Sam tools
#**command line**
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# MagicBlast
# Use AMR finder database as reference
# Use SamTools to sort and create depth summary file
# Run for coverage depth and average sequence coverage
#**command line**
/opt/magicblast/ncbi-magicblast-1.4.0/bin/magicblast -sra ERR1600439 -db /data/AMR_CDS.blastdb -outfmt sam -out ERR1600439_v_AMR_CDS_magicblast_sam.out -num_threads 8 -paired -no_unaligned
# HHM-er
# Use AMR finder database as a reference; use a user-specified bitscore as a threshold
# to filter hmm hits.
# Translate each read into protein in all six possible reading frames
# Break translated reads into ORFs; discard any length 25 aa or less
# Use hmmsearch to run 562 HMM profiles against the translated reads
# For each hmm profile that scored a hit, extract a representative nucleotide sequence
# Output the representative nucleotide sequences for guided assembly
#**command line**
./ -q [fastq file path] -h [path to hmm_databases directory] -a
[threshold bitscore]
# Given a fasta file with AMR genes we build a MASH sketch and screen the reads against the sketch.
# This produces kmer distances between the read set and each AMR, which then is used to extract only
# the AMRs that are close the readset.
#**command line**
# Screen the reads against the AMR sequences with the minimum score 0.85:
## mash screen -p 12 -w AMR.fa.msh ERR1600439*.fastq | awk '$1>0.85' > ERR1600439.amr.screen
# produce a list of candidate AMRs:
## cut -f 5 ERR1600439.amr.screen
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# SKESA Guided Assembly
# Guided assembly allows to assemble contigs based on some known sequences used as baits. The assembler stacks kmers and extends the ends of each guide sequence optionally output a list of variants assembled.
# In our analysis we use AMR fasta sequences selected in previous steps as guides for assembly. The resutls are presented as contigs fasta file.
#**command line**
# to assemble contigs with AMR_CDS_by_ERR1600439_ref.fasta as guides:
# guidedassembler --cores 8 --sra_run ERR1600439 --targets /data/ERR1600439/magicblast_output/AMR_CDS_by_ERR1600439_ref.fasta --contigs_out --fraction 0.1
# to assemble contigs and print out all variants of contigs:
# guidedassembler_graph --targets ../../AMR_CDS_norm.fasta --consensus ERR1600439.amr.contigs.fa --all_variants ERR1600439.amr.all-contigs.fa --gfa /dev/null --sra_run ERR1600439
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# Species and Plasmid Identification
# Blast AMR hits lists against combined database
# Parse for Species level and Plasmid identification
#**command line**
sudo /opt/ncbi-blast-2.9.0+/bin/blastn -query /data/ERR1600439/magicblast_output/ -task blastn -db /data/DBs/Bacteria_type_rep_plasmid_refseq_nr.blastdb -outfmt 6 -evalue 1e-6 -out /data/ERR1600439/magicblast_output/ -max_target_seqs 10 -num_threads 8
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# Alignment and stats
## build blast db for contigs
## align reads onto the contigs
#**command line**
# makeblastdb -parse_seqids -in -input_type fasta -dbtype nucl -out
# magicblast -db -query ERR1600439*.fastq -infmt fastq | samtools view -Sb -F 4 - | samtools sort - > ERR1600439_amr_contigs.bam
(Back to Workflow)
- Xin Huang
- National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20851
- Inês Mendes
- Instituto de Microbiologia, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention, Groningen, The Netherlands
- Jonathan Parkinson
- Qpex Biopharma, Inc., San Diego, CA 92121
- Samantha Sevilla
- Cancer Genomics Research Laboratory, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Institutes of Health, Leidos Biomedical, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD 20877
- Vadim Zalunin
- National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA