ChemistryCafe is a web application built with React, Vite, and TypeScript. The app uses various libraries and frameworks such as MUI, Axios, and styled-components to provide a seamless and modern user experience. This README provides information about the application and how to run the code locally.
Required: To build and install chemisty-cafe locally, you must have:
- dotnet
- Node.js
- Docker
Clone the repository: Open a terminal window, navigate to a folder where you would like the Chemistry Cafe files to exist, and run the following commands:
git clone cd chemistrycafe
Install dependencies for frontend:
cd frontend npm install cd ..
Install dotnet(macOS)
brew install dotnet
You must open 3 terminals and run the following commands in each:
Terminal 1
cd backend
dotnet run
Terminal 2
cd frontend
npm run dev
Terminal 3
docker compose up mysql
cd frontend
npm run test:coverage
If all tests past, the coverage report will generate in frontend/coverage/index.html
Terminal 1
docker compose up mysql
Terminal 2
cd backend
dotnet test --collect "Code Coverage;Format=cobertura" --settings ..\.runsettings
reportgenerator -reports:"TestResults\<guid>\<file-prefix>.cobertura.xml" -targetdir:coveragereport -reporttypes:Html -classfilters:-MySqlConnector.* -filefilters:-/_/src/MySqlConnector/*
If all tests past, the coverage report will generate in backend/coveragereport/index.html
Copyright (C) 2018-2024 National Center for Atmospheric Research