sudo apt-get install gcc make pkg-config libasound2-dev python3-pip ninja-build
pip3 install --user meson
sudo dnf install gcc make pkgconfig alsa-lib-devel python3-pip ninja-build
pip3 install --user meson
sudo pacman -S --needed install gcc make pkg-config alsa-lib python-pip ninja
pip3 install --user meson
Install Brew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install python3, ninja, pkg-config, pcre2 and PortAudio
brew install python3 ninja pkg-config pcre2 portaudio pip3 install --user meson
git clone
cd mimic-full
git submodule init
# If you want to download and install GPL resources, making mimic GPL:
meson builddir --prefix="$PWD/install_dir" -Dgpl=true
# Otherwise you can keep a BSD-like mimic:
meson builddir --prefix="$PWD/install_dir"
# Compile, on memory limited systems: (reduce parallelization with -j NCORES)
ninja -j2 -C builddir test install
# Compile on conventional systems:
ninja -C builddir test install