PersistenceDest: ~/.mynosqldb/data
CompressData: true
MaxPayloadSize: 4000000
Location: M1
TableApiKey: 123
InitThreadsAmount: 1
SkipBrokenPartitions: false
SaveThreadsAmount: 2
TcpSendTimeoutSec: 30
BackupFolder: ~/.mynosqldb/backup
BackupIntervalHours: 24
MaxBackupsToKeep: 5
- PersistenceDest - can be path of a folder and can be an Microsoft Azure Storage account;
- CompressData - true/false - enable/disable compression of data between nodes;
- MaxPayloadSize - max size of payload in bytes which is sent to Readers per round trip;
- Location - shows in statusbar of the UI;
- TableApiKey - API key to make irreversible operations with tables through api;
- InitThreadsAmount - amount of threads to initialize data from Storage;
- SkipBrokenPartitions - skip broken partitions during initialization;
- SaveThreadsAmount - amount of threads to save data to Storage;
- TcpSendTimeoutSec - timeout for tcp send operation, otherwise connection will be closed;
- BackupFolder - folder to store backups as ZIP Archives;
- BackupIntervalHours - interval between backups;
- MaxBackupsToKeep - max amount of backups to keep in BackupFolder;
If PersistenceDest is a MicrosoftAzure connection string - content is going to be persisted to Azure Table Storage. If PersistenceDest ends with ".sqlite" - content is going to be persisted to SQLite format. If PersistenceDest is a folder path - content is going to be persisted to files in that folder in format:
- Folder = TableName
- Each File inside each table folder - is a partition of the table