Shared functions for use in Jenkinsfiles
This library is intended to for aggregating common functions used across many Jenkinsfiles.
[JPaC] also has many common functions and these should generally be used before we consider writing our own. Why reinvent the wheel? These are used by many teams and likely better tested.
The functions we add here should only be for things that are unique to us or not otherwise found in JPaC.
You need to import the library in your Jenkinsfile. Once this is done, you can simply call the functions like any other:
@Library("CommonJenkinsLibrary") _
node('docker-aws-slave') {
stage('AWS Auth') {
awsAuth credentialsId: awsCredentialsId, awsAccountId: awsAccountId
stage('Configure Kubeconfig') {
configureEksKubeconfig clusterName: "mycluster"
stage('Docker Auth') {
dockerLogin registryType: "ecr", awsAccountId: awsAccountId
stage('Configure Git') {
dir("somerepo") {
configureGitForPush credentialsId: gitTokenCredentialId, branch: "mybranch"
stage('Bump version') {
if (someCondition) {
bumpVersion credentialsId: gitTokenCredentialId, tagPrefix: "RELEASE-"
Each function is documented via groovydoc comments on its call
definition. This includes a
description of what the function does, the parameters it accepts, with defaults and what can be
expected as a return value.
Functions go in the vars/
directory. The name of the file (before .groovy
) is the function name you will call externally.
The function needs to have call
defined and should generally accept a Map<String, Object>
as parameters. You can then use
this map to easily set defaults to use with the rest of your code. For example:
def call(Map<String, Object> params) {
defaults = [
profileName : "default",
credentialsId : null,
awsAccountId : null,
awsRoleArn: null
def config = defaults + params
You must document your function with a groovydoc comment above the call
function. See the docs on groovydoc here
Reusable pipelines-as-functions following the naming convention runPipeline<NAME>.groovy
These can be called via your application's Jenkinsfile
@Library('CommonJenkinsLibrary') _
It is expected that you have a ci.yaml
file in the root of your repository for pipeline configuration. If your repo does not already have an .file.yml
one will be generated during the pipeline runtime, although this is not added back to the repo.
You can see examples of the ci.yaml file here.