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SplitwiseSim: LLM Serving Cluster Simulator

SplitwiseSim is a discrete event simulator that helps evaluate model serving in LLM inference clusters. It was built to evaluate Splitwise, a generative LLM inference serving technique that splits LLM inference phases across different machines. SplitwiseSim can easily be extended to other applications and use cases.


You can set up SplitwiseSim by installing its Python dependencies. We recommend starting with a fresh Python environment.

# Create and activate new Python environment
conda create -n splitwise-sim python=3.11
conda activate splitwise-sim

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

NOTE: SplitwiseSim has only been tested with Python 3.11. However, it will likely also work with other Python versions.

Inputs and Outputs

SplitwiseSim takes in a hierarchical set of YAML configuration files as input, and it produces several CSV files as output. It uses Hydra for configuration management. You can learn more about configuration management from the Hydra docs.

The top-level configuration file for SplitwiseSim is config.yaml, which points to lower-level configurations specified by other files in the configs/ directory. Specifically, config.yaml captures the following key components:

  • cluster: the provisioned server SKUs in the cluster, along with their respective counts.
  • trace: request trace that specifies the set of requests that arrive into the cluster.
  • router: the cluster-level router that routes incoming requests to application-level schedulers; currently a no-op.
  • arbiter: the cluster-level arbiter that manages compute resources between applications to support autoscaling; currently a no-op.
  • application: the logical endpoint that the requests target, which specifies the model and the set of instances on which the request runs; currently, we support only one application.
  • model_repo: the set of models (LLMs) available to run in the cluster; used for dynamic model instantiation.
  • orchestrator_repo: the set of application resource orchestrators (i.e., schedulers and allocators) in the cluster; used for dynamic application management.
  • hardware_repo: the set of available SKUs that can be provisioned in the cluster; used for dynamic server instantiation.
  • performance_model: an analytical model that helps estimate request runtimes with different batch, model, and hardware configurations.
  • start_state: starting state for the cluster, which helps simplify evaluation.

Several other aspects can be configured; please see config.yaml for details.

SplitwiseSim generates the following key outputs:

  • Summary of application-level metrics (summary.csv)
  • Per-request metrics for each completed request for each application (detailed/{application_id}.csv)
  • Request node-level metrics (request_nodes.csv)
  • Instance-level execution metrics (in instances/, with debug enabled)

We provide various utility functions to process outputs, as shown in notebooks/example.ipynb and notebooks/plots.ipynb.

Example Run

The simplest way to run SplitwiseSim is to execute, which runs with the default configuration parameters specified in config.yaml. The default configurations can be overridden by specifying appropriate command line parameters using Hydra. Below is an example script, scripts/, which overrides the default configuration to execute a simple Baseline-H100 configuration with a single DGX-H100 server.

# scripts/


python \
    applications.0.scheduler=$SCHEDULER \
    cluster=half_half \
    cluster.servers.0.count=$NUM_DGX_A100 \
    cluster.servers.1.count=$NUM_DGX_H100 \
    start_state=$START_STATE \
    performance_model=db \
    trace.filename=$TRACE \
    debug=True \

Specifically, each configuration override changes a corresponding default from config.yaml as follows:

  • cluster=half_half overrides the cluster default from dgx-a100 to half_half, which has 1 DGX-A100 and 1 DGX-H100 server SKU by default.
  • cluster.servers.* replace the number of DGX-A100 and DGX-H100 servers within the half_half cluster to 0 and 1, respectively.
  • applications.0.scheduler=token_jsq switches the default round_robin scheduler, as specified in configs/applications/solo.yaml, to the token_jsq scheduler.
  • start_state=baseline overrides the starting state from orca to baseline.
  • performance_model=db overrides the performance model to db instead of the default constant.
  • trace.filename=test_trace changes the trace file name (same as default, so no effect).
  • debug=True enables the debug flag (changed from False)
  • seed=0 sets the seed to 0 (same as default, so no effect).

Several of the above overrides configure objects of classes specified by the _target_ field in the corresponding configuration files.

To simulate this simple Baseline-H100 configuration with a single DGX-H100 on test_trace.csv, we can simply run the bash script:

# run simple Baseline-H100 example

Similarly, we could run a simple Splitwise-HA configuration, which simulates KV-cache transfers from a DGX-H100 machine to DGX-A100 machine (see paper for more details):

# run simple Splitwise-HA example

NOTE: Scripts must be run from the top-level directory.

Results will be generated in the results/ directory according to the output path template specified by the output_dir field in config.yaml. Open notebooks/example.ipynb using Jupyter Notebook to see an example of how to easily extract the associated outputs.

Request Traces

SplitwiseSim expects request traces in a CSV file that contains the following fields for each request:

  • request_id: ID of the request, typically a monotonically increasing number.
  • request_type: Type of the request (e.g., DL inference, LLM inference, etc.). Use 2 for generative LLM inference, which is the only supported type at present.
  • application_id: ID of the application / endpoint that the request targets. Default to 0 for a single application.
  • arrival_timestamp: Timestamp at which the request arrives into the cluster.
  • batch_size: If the request is already batched when it arrives, that can be specified here (currently not used).
  • prompt_size: Number of tokens in the input prompt of the request.
  • token_size: Number of tokens to be generated as output by the request.

Many of these fields have limited configurability at present. A typical new trace would change the request_id, arrival_timestamp, prompt_size, and token_size. An example trace can be found in traces/test_trace.csv.

Production Traces and Trace Generation

Splitwise was evaluated with request traces that were based off production traces from LLM inference services at Microsoft Azure. The script can automatically download the production traces and use the corresponding prompt/token size distributions to generate request traces with different request rates. It can also help generate custom traces with different kinds of distributions. Modify and run with desired request rates and other parameters. By default, all generated traces are expected to reside in the traces/ directory.

Request Processing

SplitwiseSim processes request traces as follows:

  • All requests first arrive at a Cluster-level Router, which forwards them to their target Application. The Cluster also has an Arbiter which helps reallocate Servers or Processors between Applications. Currently, the Router and Arbiter act as no-ops, but they could be modified in the future to include smarter routing and autoscaling strategies with overheads.
  • Each Request targets a specific Application, which may have one or more Instances that run Models. Applications use Allocators to spin-up/spin-down Instances on Processors, and they use Schedulers to load balance Requests across Instances. Currently, we do not support dynamic Instance spin-up/spin-down, but rather use start states for specifying the initial set of Cluster Instances.
  • Requests are specified as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of Nodes for flexibility. Request nodes may either be Tasks and Flows. Requests are processed on Instances, which run on Servers; specifically, Tasks are run on Processors and Flows are run on Links.

Note that all simulation times are assumed to be specified in seconds.

Performance Model

The performance_model helps SplitwiseSim estimate how long requests run on diverse input, output, hardware, batch, etc. configurations. performance_model.PerformanceModel is an interface class which exposes the following two estimation functions to the simulator:

  1. get_duration(): used to estimate the runtime of prompt and token tasks.
  2. get_iteration_duration(): used to estimate the runtime of each batching iteration (e.g., from continuous batching).

Since modern LLM serving typically uses iteration-level scheduling, we primarily rely on get_iteration_duration in the Instance implementation (e.g., ORCAInstance and SplitwiseInstance).

Currently, SplitwiseSim provides two concrete performance models:

  1. performance_model=constant: This model assumes that all prompt and token tasks take a constant duration. While unrealistic, it is helpful for testing / debugging purposes.
  2. performance_model=db: This model uses extensive profiling data from the DGX-A100 and DGX-H100 machines and is the preferable model to use for realistic simulations. The associated raw data can be found in data/perf-model.csv. The performance_model.DatabasePerformanceModel class reads this raw data to build a simple linear predictor, which serves as the performance model. To extend SplitwiseSim to different LLMs/platforms, please add your profiling data to the data file and potentially update the performance model predictor.

Experiments Workflow

This section describes how to run larger-scale simulations spanning a variety of configurations.

Parallel Simulations

SplitwiseSim can be run on multiple cores (on one or more machines) to evaluate many different configurations in parallel. Each simulation configuration is run in a single process on a single core. SplitwiseSim uses Ray via the Hydra Ray plugin for parallelization.

To start a Ray cluster, run:

  • ray start --head on the head machine.
  • ray start --address=xxx on each of the worker machines.

See Ray docs for more details.

If you do not want to use Ray, you may alternatively use the Hydra joblib launcher, which only supports multicore parallelization on a single machine.

Running a Hydra configuration in parallel requires the --multirun flag. For example, to sweep over multiple seed values in parallel, use python --multirun seed=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 after starting the Ray cluster.

Output from multi-machine runs is stored on different machines corresponding to where each simulation configuration runs. Subsequently, you may need to manually collect results back into the same machine using sync scripts. Example sync scripts can be found in the sync_scripts folder.

Experiment Runs

The scripts/ directory provides several scripts to run larger experiments, including parallel sweeps over different cluster configurations:

  • To run a baseline configuration, run ./scripts/ (Baseline-A100) or ./scripts/ (Baseline-H100).
  • To run a Splitwise configuration, run the appropriate Splitwise-XX file under the scripts directory. For example, to run Splitwise-HA, run ./scripts/
  • Various experiment configurations used in the Splitwise paper are specified in the configs/experiment/ folder. For example, to run a sweep of iso-cost clusters, you can run ./scripts/ which corresponds to configs/experiment/*_isocost.yaml with the appropriate sweep parameters (warning: running this may spin up many configurations in parallel and take a long time; try smaller configurations to begin with).

Experiment Plots and Gantt Charts

Outputs from experiment sweeps can be visualized by using the plotting scripts provided in notebooks/plots.ipynb. These scripts were used to plot some of the graphs in the Splitwise paper.

If the debug flag is enabled, SplitwiseSim additionally outputs iteration-level metadata per instance (including start/end timestamps), which can be visualized as Gantt charts for analysis and debugging. Check out notebooks/example.ipynb for a simple example. Custom markers can be added by modifying the simulator.


If you use SplitwiseSim in your work, please cite the accompanying paper:

Pratyush Patel, Esha Choukse, Chaojie Zhang, Aashaka Shah, Íñigo Goiri, Saeed Maleki, Ricardo Bianchini. "Splitwise: Efficient Generative LLM Inference Using Phase Splitting", in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2024). ACM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2024.


LLM serving cluster simulator







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