UTF to codepages and vise verse convertion stuff for Pawn. Supports only BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane).
N-String - arrays of symbols of type N with variable lenght in bytes (1 symbol - 1 cell) which can not be packed.
N-Stream - arrays of symbols of type N with fixed lenght in bytes which also can be packed.
CP-N - Code Page N.
PawnUTF_gencollation_addSymbol(unicode_code, substitutuion[])
Add unicode symbol to general collation table.
- unicode_code - unicode code to substitute with substitution.
- substitutuion - the string of unicode symbols.
PawnUTF_GenCollation_loadFile(const filepath[])
Loads general collation table from filepath.
PawnUTF_IsValidCodeUTF8(const utf_code)
Returns true if utf_code is valid UTF-8 symbol.
PawnUTF_StringToCollation(string[], string_size, output[], output_size, is_packed, collation_table[], collation_size)
Convert codepage-string to other representation via collation table.
- string[] - source string
- string_size - size of string.
- output[] - result string of collation table on string.
- output_size - size of output.
- is_packed - flag if source string is packed.
- collation_table[] - collation table where index - is source character and value in cell - collated symbol.
- collation_size - size of collation_table.
PawnUTF_UTFToStream(utf_string[], utf_string_size, output[], output_size, is_packed)
Unpacks UTF-8 string to UTF stream (in opposite to PawnUTF_StreamToUTF).
- utf_string[] - UTF string to pack (source).
- utf_string_size - size of source.
- output[] - destination of UTF stream.
- output_size - size of destination.
- is_packed - is destination have to be packed.
PawnUTF_StreamToUTF(array[], array_size, output[], output_size, is_packed)
Extract UTF-string characters from string-stream.
- array[] - source CP-N string.
- array_size - size of array.
- output[] - destination for result UTF-string.
- output_size - size of output.
- is_packed
stock PawnUTF_DecodeUTF_ToUnicode(utf_code)
Decode UTF-character to Unicode symbol.
- utf_code - value representing UTF symbol.
Encode Unicode to UTF character.
- unicode_code - value representing Unicode symbol.
PawnUTF_StringUTF_ToCodePage(utf_stream[], utf_stream_size, output[], output_size, table_from_utf[0x10000 char], table_from_utf_extra[][2], extra_size, is_packed)
Converts UTF-string to codepage-string via collation tables.
- utf_string[] - source UTF-string.
- utf_string_size - size of utf_string.
- output[] - result CP-N string.
- output_size - size of output.
- table_from_utf[0x10000 char] - main collation table (CP-N -> UTF).
- table_from_utf_extra[][2] - collation table for large UTF-code values.
- extra_size - size of table_from_utf_extra.
- is_packed - true if output have to be packed.
PawnUTF_StringUTF_ToUnicode(utf_stream[], utf_stream_size, output[], output_size)
Convert UTF-string to Unicode-string.
- utf_string[] - source UTF-string.
- utf_string_size - size of utf_string.
- output[] - destination for Unicode-string.
- output_size - size of output.
PawnUTF_StringUnicode_ToUTF(unicode_stream[], unicode_stream_size, output[], output_size)
Convert Unicode-string to UTF-string.
- unicode_string[] - source Unicode-string.
- unicode_string_size - size of unicode_stream.
- output[] - destination for UTF-string.
- output_size - size of output.
PawnUTF_WriteCurrentCP(filepath_input[], filepath_output[])
Writes current CP-UTF collation (which used in fwrite).
- filepath_input[]
- filepath_output[]
Reads one UTF-symbol from opened file.
- File:handle
UTF_LoadCharsetMapping(filepath[], table_unicode[0x10000 char], table_to_unicode[256])
Load codepage collation table.
- filepath[] - path of file with collation table to load.
- table_unicode[0x10000 char] - destination collation table[unicode_symbol] = CP-N code.
- table_to_unicode[256] - destination collation table[CP-N] = unicode_symbol.
Load collation table from file.
- filepath - path of the file to load collation table (CP-N -> UTF-8).
CP1251_FromUTF(utf_stream[], utf_stream_size, output[], output_size, is_packed)
Convert UTF-string to CP1251-string.
- utf_string[] - source UTF-8 string.
- utf_string_size - size of source UTF-8 string.
- output[] - destination of CP1251-string.
- output_size - size of destination output.
- is_packed - true if output have to be packed.
CP1251_FromUnicode(unicode_string[], unicode_string_size, output[], output_size)
Convert Unicode-string to CP1251-string.
- unicode_string[] - source Unicode-string.
- unicode_string_size - size of unicode_string.
- output[] - destination of result CP1251-string.
- output_size - size of output.
CP1251_StringToUTF(array[], array_size, output[], output_size, is_packed)
Convert CP1251-string to UTF-stream.
- array[] - source CP1251-string.
- array_size - size of source string.
- output[] - destination of UTF result stream.
- output_size - size of output.
- is_packed - true if array is packed.
CP1251_StringToUnicode(array[], array_size, output[], output_size, is_packed)
Convert CP1251-string to Unicode-string.
- array[] - source CP1251-string.
- array_size - size of source string.
- output[] - destination of Unicode result string.
- output_size - size of output.
- is_packed - true if array is packed.
Returns CP1251-code from Unicode-symbol.
- unicode_char - Unicode symbol.
Returns Unicode-symbol code from CP1251-code symbol.
- character - CP1251 code.
CP1251_FileFixUTF(filepath_source[], filepath_dest[])
Fixes classic encoding problem in CP1251-based file.
- filepath_source[] - source file.
- filepath_dest[] - destination file.
Returns True if Unicode-symbol is BOM (Byte Order Mark).
Trying to read UTF BOM-mark from start of the file. Places file pointer right after BOM-symbol or to the start of file if no known BOM-sequence found. Returns BOM-mark type.
Returns True if UTF BOM type is big-endian.
Returns True if UTF BOM type is little-endian.
PawnUTF_FWriteUTF16BOM(File:handle, is_bigendian)
Writes UTF-16 BOM-symbol into the file.
Reads single UTF-16(big endian) symbol from file. Returns Unicode-symbol.
Reads single UTF-16(little endian) symbol from file. Returns Unicode-symbol.
Return encoded Unicode-symbol to UTF-16.
PawnUTF_PutFileCharUTF16_BE(File:handle, unicode_code)
Writes single Unicode-symbol encoded to big-endian UTF-16 into the file.
PawnUTF_PutFileCharUTF16_LE(File:handle, unicode_code)
Writes single Unicode-symbol encoded to big-endian UTF-16 into the file.
PawnUTF_FRead_UTF16(File:handle, unicode_string[], size, is_bigendian)
Reads Unicode-string decoded from UTF-16 file. Returns number of readen symbols.
PawnUTF_FWrite_UTF16(File:handle, string[], is_bigendian)
Writes Unicode string which encoded to UTF-16 into the file. Returns number of writen symbols.
PawnUTF_FWriteUTF32BOM(File:handle, is_bigendian)
Writes UTF-32 BOM-symbol into the file.
Reads single UTF-32(big endian) symbol from file. Returns Unicode-symbol.
Reads single UTF-32(little endian) symbol from file. Returns Unicode-symbol.
PawnUTF_PutFileCharUTF32_BE(File:handle, unicode_code)
Writes single Unicode-symbol encoded to big-endian UTF-32 into the file.
PawnUTF_PutFileCharUTF32_LE(File:handle, unicode_code)
Writes single Unicode-symbol encoded to little-endian UTF-32 into the file.
PawnUTF_FRead_UTF32(File:handle, unicode_string[], size, is_bigendian)
Reads Unicode-string decoded from UTF-32 file. Returns number of readen symbols.
PawnUTF_FWrite_UTF32(File:handle, string[], is_bigendian)
Writes Unicode string which encoded to UTF-32 into the file. Returns number of writen symbols.
Here is represented string-procedures especially for Unicode strings. The reason to make it was that some native/original have complex logic based on aggregate packed strings. Every analogue procedure have same arguments as their original native procedures.
It does not need a special analogue: strdel(), memcpy(), strval(), valstr(), strcmp(), strmid()
It is incompatible with Unicode strings: strpack(), strunpack(), ispacked()
Load collation lower-upper Unicode-symbols.
Returns upper version of Unicode symbol.
Returns lower version of Unicode symbol.
Returns length of Unicode-string.
Unicode_strcat(unicode_string_destination[], unicode_string_source[], maxlength)
Concatenates Unicode source string to destination.
Unicode_strins(unicode_string_destination[], unicode_string_source[], pos, maxlength)
Inserts substring into a string.
Unicode_strfind(unicode_string[], unicode_search_string[], ignorecase, pos)
Find substring inside string. Returns position of substring in string if found, -1 otherwise.