Linux TCP Client Server code
g++ server.cpp -o server
g++ client.cpp -o client
For example I have used the ARM toolchain to cross-compile for my ARM based Target system: The example files shown below (streamserver.cpp and streamclient.cpp) are located under ARM folder. After building for the ARM Target copy whichever you want to the Target. For e.g. I copied streamserverto target to run Target as a Server. And used client program from Host.
/arm-package-linux-gnueabi-gcc streamserver.cpp -o streamserver
/arm-package-linux-gnueabi-gcc streamclient.cpp -o streamclient
Open the .sln file using VS 2015 or later and build using IDE
Run server first. ./server
Get the IP address of the of the machine where server is running (server port is 12000). Use it as input to run the client.
e.g: ./client 12000