This project contains a Livebook designed to cover a basic introduction to Elixir. The material is designed to be covered in an interactive format with a developer already familiar with Elixir, though can also be useful to browse and play with examples of the main language features.
You will need to install Livebook then open the notebook that you're interested in (see below).
Alternatively, if you have docker installed, then you can just run ./
instead and that will start the Livebook for you.
Topics covered in the introductory livebook include:
- Basic types in Elixir
- Strings, charlists and atoms
- Booleans
- Comparison operators
- Lists and tuples
- Maps and structs
- Keyword lists
- Pattern matching
- Functions
- Mix - the Elixir build tool
- ExUnit - the Elixir testing tool
- Modules and docs
- Control structures
- case
- cond
- if
- comprehensions
- with
- Alias, require, import and use
It does not cover some more advanced topics like Protocols, Macros, Processes, and OTP.
You can also find some additional training material in the additional_notebooks folder folder.
Currently this contains content on Elixir Macros.