A simple swift struct containing all 5296 SF Symbol 5 icons with CamelCase names making it easy and safe to use.
Simply add the .swift file to your project and start typing.
Anywhere you can type the name of an SF Symbol you can use this instead. You'll even get suggestions in xcode while typing. To get a symbol start writing "SF." and the name of the icon. Numbers are written out ("creditcard.and.123" -> CreditcardAndOneHundredTwentyThree):
Label("Featured", systemImage: SF.PlaySquareStackFill)
Image(systemName: audioPlayer.isPlaying ? SF.PauseFill : SF.PlayFill)
Image(systemName: SF.CreditcardAndOneHundredTwentyThree)
Here is the function i used to create the struct. Run it in swift playgrounds and the struct will pe printed in the console.
Replace symbolNames with a string containing all the SF Symbol names. You can get these names by using the SF Symbols app, selecting all symbols and copying their names.
The function incorrectly translates some names that usually start with a number or a number with a leading zero, so some manual tweaking of the final struct is needed, but not much.
//Generate SF struct
let symbolNames = "square.and.arrow.up square.and.arrow.up.fill square.and.arrow.up.circle etc"
func generateStruct(from symbolNames: String) -> String {
let symbolArray = symbolNames.components(separatedBy: " ")
let structDefinition = symbolArray.map { symbol in
let camelCaseName = convertToCamelCase(symbol)
return " let \(camelCaseName) = \"\(symbol)\""
}.joined(separator: "\n")
let generatedStruct = """
struct SF {
return generatedStruct
func convertToCamelCase(_ input: String) -> String {
let components = input.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.alphanumerics.inverted)
let camelCaseWords = components.map { component -> String in
if let number = Int(component) {
return convertNumberToWords(number)
} else {
return component.prefix(1).capitalized + component.dropFirst()
return camelCaseWords.joined()
func convertNumberToWords(_ number: Int) -> String {
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .spellOut
guard let word = numberFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: number)) else {
return "\(number)"
let components = word.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet(charactersIn: " -"))
let concatenatedString = components.map { $0.lowercased().capitalized }.joined()
return concatenatedString
let generatedStruct = generateStruct(from: symbolNames)