Raspberry, Android, CarPlay config and files.
Planète Renault
└── Megane2-CarPlay-Config
├── Android
│ ├── Application
│ │ └── AirPlay
│ │ └── autoplaybox.apk -> Move to /sdcard/Download Action; Intall Apk
│ ├── Overlays
│ │ └── Fix
│ │ └── 91fixoverlays -> Move to /etc/init.d Action; None
│ └── Renault
│ ├── BootAnimation
│ │ └── bootanimation.zip -> Move to /system/media Action; Rename original file: bootanimation.zip.backup
│ └── Wallpaper
│ └── Renault.png -> Move to /sdcard/Download Action; Set as Android background
└── Raspberry
├── config.txt -> Move to /boot/ Action; Rename original file: config.txt.backup
└── resolution.txt -> Move to /boot/ Action; Rename original file: resolution.txt.backup