Before the workshop starts, please familiarize yourself with Django. I would recommend following the excellent Django tutorial ( to get you started.
$ git clone
$ git checkout 001-initial-django
This workshop requires at least Python 3.7, Django 3.2, Channels 4.0, Channels Daphne, Channels_redis, and redis. Higher versions of these requirements are allowed.
You can install the above via the following command line:
$ pip install -U -r requirements.txt
You can install redis either via docker or bare metal. To install with docker, use the following command:
$ docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis:latest
Alternatively, you can install directly to your OS. Instructions can be found on this link:
Running redis natively can be done with this command line:
$ sudo service redis-server start
To check if Redis have been installed correctly, you can run redis-cli and send a ping command.
$ redis-cli
For docker, you can use the following command
$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli
A sample of Redis' ping output:> ping PONG
$ celery -A pycon2023 worker -l INFO
$ celery -A pycon2023 beat -l INFO
(note: under windows, add -P solo)
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