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Releases: MrDave1999/dotenv.core


29 Jun 15:56
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What's Changed

New Features

  • Add support for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration. (#176)
  • Create resource file to save exception messages. (#160)
  • Create resource file with exception messages in Spanish. (#161)
  • Create .props file to copy .env files to the publish directory. (#138)

Bug Fixes

  • Add null checks in the constructor of classes such as EnvReader, EnvValidator and EnvBinder. (#171)
  • Add null check to SetEnvironmentVariablesProvider method. (#172)


  • Add more examples on how to use dotenv. (#141)
  • Add sample project about shared settings. (#148)
  • Add sample project about using required keys. (#149)
  • Add sample project about the using parser. (#150)
  • Add sample project on how to bind an object to configuration values. (#151)
  • Add samples on how to create sections with the .NET configuration system. (#177)


  • Remove the “Try/Catch” block found in the EnvLoader type. (#163)
  • Use collection expression to create empty collections. (#166)
  • Add formatting to an error message from EnvFileNames class. (#167)
  • Avoid hardcoding the error message as string. (#168)
  • Apply Result pattern to avoid returning null in private methods. (#169)
  • Create guard clauses. (#170)
  • Use IReadOnlyList interface in EnvironmentNames. (#156)
  • Use collection expression for array. (#157)
  • Add generic messages for custom exceptions. (#162)
  • Create private method called "StartFileLoading". (#180)
  • Create properties such as NotExists and IsNotOptional. (#181)


  • Add tests to EnvValidationResult. (#173)
  • Use the "using" statement to free resources. (#158)
  • Add test case when it is not an inline comment. (#159)
  • Apply a naming convention to test names. (#178)
  • Add tests when the path collection is empty. (#179)

Other changes

  • Add a solution file (.sln) for project samples. (#152)
  • Add Directory.Build.props file. (#154)
  • Add Microsoft.Extensions.DI projects in DotEnv.Core.sln. (#174)
  • Add support for central package management. (#142)
  • Remove project diagrams. (#175)
  • Move Dotenv.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection project to main repository. (#144)
  • Add directory representing cross-cutting concerns. (#165)

Full Changelog: 3.0.0...3.1.0


03 May 14:35
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What's Changed

Bug Fixes

  • Ignore inline comments when using the tab key. (#128, #129)

New Features

  • Added extension method called GetEnv to the string class. (#126, #127)

Breaking Changes

  • Some classes have been marked as internals. (#123)
    ExceptionMessages and FormattingMessage classes are useless for the client. These are implementation details of the library.
  • Added Invariant Culture that is culture-independent. (#132)
    This was done to ensure the use of floating point (.) regardless of the regional configuration of the system.

Other Changes

  • Added support with Fluent Assertions. (#124)
  • Added a more understandable example on how to use the library. (#125)
    You can view the new example here.
  • Added a private method called ChangeType to EnvBinder class. (#131)


21 Jan 17:38
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  • Allows the binder to convert keys to enum objects. (#117, #118)
  • Added the real key in exception message when conversion fails. (#119, #121)
  • Added a static read-only field to store new lines. (#122)
    This avoids reallocating memory each time the parser is called.


24 Nov 17:49
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  • Added a list of items in the EnvLoader.LoadEnv method documentation. (16605f5)
    • This release updates the XML documentation file of the package.


17 Nov 01:36
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  • Added the conversion of properties to UpperCaseSnakeCase in case the names of AppSettings class properties do not match the keys of the .env file. (#111, #112)


04 Jul 18:27
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  • Fixed problem with inline comment being removed when used in multi-line values. (#109, #110)


30 Jun 23:30
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30 May 04:33
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  • Added support for inline comments. (#74, #87)
  • Fixed the problem that the parser does not remove single or double quotes from a value. (#78, #88)
  • Added support for binding a configuration class with the keys of the .env file. (#73, #92)
  • Added a configuration method that tells the binder to ignore the exception. (#91, #93)
  • Fixed issue with binder trying to bind read-only or write-only properties. (#90, #94)
  • Added a configuration method that allows binding non-public properties. (#89, #95)


13 May 14:34
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v2.1.0-alpha3 Pre-release
  • Added a configuration method that tells the binder to ignore the exception. (#91, #93)
  • Fixed issue with binder trying to bind read-only or write-only properties. (#90, #94)
  • Added a configuration method that allows binding non-public properties. (#89, #95)


10 May 23:08
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v2.1.0-alpha2 Pre-release
  • Added support for binding a configuration class with the keys of the .env file. (#73, #92)