Releases: MrCrayfish/MrCrayfishGunMod
Gun Mod 1.1.3 for Minecraft 1.18.1
🐛 Fixed crash when using Forge 39.0.45 or higher
Gun Mod 1.1.2 for Minecraft 1.18.1
⚠ Important. This mod now requires Framework instead of Obfuscate ⚠
✨ Updated to Minecraft 1.18.1
✨ Improved immersive camera (Experimental feature. Enabled in the config)
📦 Changed colour of ammo bar in HUD
Gun Mod 1.1.0 for Minecraft 1.16
✨ Weapons that are enchanted now have a different fire sound and their projectiles now emit a particle. The particle will be different based on applied enchantments.
✨ Added JEI support! (finally)
✨ Added support to use tags in workbench recipes
✨ Added config option to change distance reload sounds can be heard by other players
✨ Added config option to remove the cooldown indicator
✨ Added experimental immersive camera (you need to turn it on in the client config. Use Configured to turn it on while in-game)
✨ Improved muzzle flash animation by making it shrink instead of instantly disappearing.
✨ Item uses are now tracked in stats
✨ Thrown grenades will bounce of entities (Thanks Ocelot)
✨ Added nl_nl lang support (Thanks Autovw)
✨ Added fil_ph lang support (Thanks LizterZapZap)
✨ Added logo file for mod list screen
✨ Added support for Catalogue and Configured (image icon and config background texture)
✨ [DEVELOPERS] Added GunReloadEvent (Thanks Ocelot)
📦 Projectiles are now slightly less affected by gravity
📦 Rebalanced projectile speed of every weapon
📦 [DEVELOPERS] GunProjectileHitEvent is now cancellable (Thanks Przemyk)
🐛 Fixed datapacks not overridding gun properties
🐛 Fixed explosions not breaking blocks
🐛 Fixed reload sounds being heard everywhere
🐛 Fixed missing texture warning
🐛 Fixed missing subtitle for weapon cocking sound effect
Gun Mod 1.0.1 for Minecraft 1.16
- Added pt_br language support (Thanks Mikerliro)
- Added zh_cn language support (Thanks kemoyue)
- Updated ru_ru language support (Thanks Smollet777)
- Fixed unloading weapons giving more ammo than it should
- Fixed grenades being consumed even when not thrown (Thanks Ocelot)
- Fixed bullet trails not being removed after projectile is removed
- Fixed gravity of bullet trails
- Fixed custom sounds from resource packs not working as gun sounds
- Fixed models with overrides not working as custom models for guns
- Fixed bullet trails rendering not rendering with depth
- Fixed bullet trail rendering behind the shooter
Gun Mod 1.0 for Minecraft 1.15
- Backported the 1.16 version (See for full changelog)
Gun Mod 1.0 for Minecraft 1.16
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.X
- Improved the attachment system. There are now four different attachment slots (Scope, Barrel, Stock, and Under Barrel)
- Added new items for attachment system.
- Light Stock
- Weighted Stock
- Tactical Stock
- Light Grip
- Specialised Grip
- Hovering attachment items in game will tell you how they affect your weapon
- Added new exclusive weapon enchantments! Supports Enchantment Decriptions mod.
- Quick Hands (Increases the speed of reloading weapons)
- Trigger Finger (ncreases the speed you can fire weapons)
- Lightweight (Reduces the weight of a weapon to increase ADS speed)
- Collateral (Makes fired bullets travel through multiple entities)
- Over Capacity (Increases the ammo capacity of a weapon)
- Reclaim (Creates a chance that a bullet won't be consumed upon firing a weapon)
- Accelerator (Increases the speed of fired bullets)
- Puncturing (Creates a chance that a bullet will deal critical damage)
- Fire Starter (Fired bullets will set blocks and entities on fire upon impact)
- Added support for the latest version of Controllable (0.10.2)
- Adds new button bindings for firing, aiming, etc.
- New player animations when holding weapons. Two handed like weapons will now point in the same direction the player is looking! Added a config option to revent to old animations.
- You can now change the crosshair in game when holding a weapon. (Options > Controls > Mouse Settings > Crosshair)
- Redesigned the workbench GUI
- Added sprinting animation when holding two handed weapons
- Changed the fire sound of some weapons
- Improved the silenced fire sound of most weapons
- A cocking sound will now play after reloading a weapon
- Camera recoil is now turned on by default
- Recoil will now visually move the weapon up in a random direction instead of just straight up.
- Increased default headshot multipler from 1.0 to 1.25
- Rifles now fire faster but damage has been reduced
- Improved headshot detection
- Headshots now work on all vanilla entities
- Rebalanced all weapons
- Projectiles will spread more easily if not aiming down sight
- Improved muzzle flash visuals. It will also show when other players fire their weapon.
- Improved swap animations when switching to and from a weapon on the hotbar.
- The mod now uses Mixins for better mod compatibility
- Improved blood particles (must be turned on in config to show)
- Improved memory and network usage of mod
- Updated ru_ru lang (Thanks Smollet777)
- Reloading arm will now visually hold more bullets to represent the amount of ammo that is being inserted into the weapon
- Only hostile mobs will become aggro when firing a weapon near them
- Attachments and sounds can now be disabled by using speical tags on a weapon
- Improved headshot and critical sounds
- Added config options to enabled/disable/change headshot and critical sounds
- Fixed missile recipe
- Fixed projectiles hitting entities that are in death animation
- Fixed durability bar showing in creative tab icon
- Fixed not being able to put weapons in item frames
- Fixed FOV zooming slightly when you perform an interaction
- Fixed attachments not rendering on weapons when in item frames
- Fixed rendering issues when left hand is the main hand
- Fixed blinding effect rendering over GUI
- Fixed ammo only increasing by one when in creative (Ocelot5936)
- Fixed items not rendering in off hand when holding one handed weapons (Ocelot5936)
- Fixed view finder on scopes rendering darker at night
- Fixed projectile explosions not working correctly
- Fixed long scopes clipping into the near view plane
- Fixed mod name in key bindings menu
- Fixed headshot and critical sound playing in 3D space instead of master
- Added new modifier system that allows attachments to change the behaviour of weapons
- Added more events
- GunFireEvent (Pre and Post)
- Added support to add custom crosshairs
- Added a lot more documentation to the code