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Krzysiek Justyński edited this page Nov 27, 2022 · 3 revisions

How to separate the logic between many graphs?

The basic and recommended way is to use the Sub Graph node to start graph B from graph A. This way we could have very complex logic, i.e. separate graphs for every quest or event.


Is it possible to have a Flow Graph independent from the world?

Yes, it's an everyday use case, i.e. if you want to have a global "meta-quest" (controlling the game's story) or graph that is tracking achievements. You can create a Flow Asset instance from anywhere in the game by calling UFlowSubsystem::StartRootFlow.


Are there plans to support variables similar to blueprints?

Personally, I have no plans to implement it. The community is free to tackle this challenge. You can check Discord channel where people discuss their implementations.

It's not obvious which way to choose as a proper solution for all (at least most) projects. It could be

Flow Graph solution would need to include support for UObject references.

My Flow Node blueprint isn't visible in the Palette?

This happens if a given blueprint was created with a standard blueprint creation menu. You have to create blueprint nodes via a dedicated Content Browser menu item. (Similar inconvenience applies to creating Editor Blutilites, which won't run if created via the standard blueprint menu).
