#Getting Started
- $ brew install tmux (tmux)
- $ brew install macvim --override-system-vim
- $ gem install tmuxinator (tmuxinator)
- Nerdtree it up
- Install iTerm
- Oh-My-Zsh is always fun
###Some light reading
- Seamlessly Navigate Vim and tmux Splits
- vim + tmux: A Perfect Match
- tmuxinator
- Tmux and Vim: the perfect combination
- Build an IDE with tmux and vim
- VimAwesome mods/plugs
###Clone my Repo
- Clone it after installing the prereqs. It should lif in your user's root($ cd ~) in a dot folder ".vim"
- Symlink outside of .vim:
- .tmuxinator
- .tmux.conf
- .vimrc
- Edit .tmuxinator/dev.yml to suit your needs
###New Session
- After everything is setup(digits=x: $ mux dev
- You can close out of iTerm, reopen it and you should be where you left off
- Clean session: $ kill sessions -t dev
###Cool stuffs and tippies
- In iterm prefs, there should be under profiles, a whole lot of color schemes to choose from. Sometimes, when you first open iTerm, you have to open a new window a couple of times to get your color scheme. Don't know why.
- Hold down the option key to select text to copy. Only really works nicely on one line(copies garbage on multi-lines)
- Good cheat sheet images for wallpapers: