This project is aiming at helping event organizers on the Wahoo RGT Esports Cycling platform with a set of Powershell Cmdlets(Commandlets) to create events and pull results.
- Installation
- Connecting to RGT API
- Roads
- Events
- Results
- Race Radio
(Need something here about downloading at setting it up on users PC)
Easiest way to use the tools is by adding the following line of code to your Powershell file:
Import-Module C:\temp\Powershell\RGT.Powershell\RGT.Powershell.dll
In the case above the RGT.Powershell tools has been copied to c:\temp\Powershell
folder. Please adjust to where you have placed your copy.
The RGT API is not publicly available. In order to access them, you need a RGT login, and to use branding features you need to have Wahoo RGT to enable that on your login.
This command establishes a connection to RGT API. The connection is kept as long as the Powershell window is open. There is no need to close the connection when done. Calling Connect-RGTService
again will override the previous connection.
Connect-RGTService -Login "[email protected]" -Password "abcdefgh"
- Login: Your RGT username
- Password: Your RGT password
The following commands perform operations on roads
Get a list of real roads.
A List object containing all real roads.
PS C:\Users\Morten> Get-RGTRealRoads | FT Id, Length, Elevation, Label
Id Length Elevation Label
-- ------ --------- -----
94 7700 19 Borrego
70 1035 5 Canary Wharf
109 22431 515 Cap Formentor
166473 8881 168 De Ronde
80192 17657 225 Dirty Reiver
391341 14298 307 The Dunoon Crossover
204780 27767 319 Iron Horse Bicycle Classic Durango
203996 15355 136 Leuven City, Flanders
54 25521 1596 Mont Ventoux
47 14083 1114 Passo dello Stelvio
86 4183 102 Paterberg
62 8202 235 Pienza
102 969 0 Tempelhof Airport
Get a list of magic roads.
A List object containing all real roads in users inventory.
PS C:\Users\Morten> Get-RGTMagicRoads | FT Name, Label, Length, Elevation
Name Label Length Elevation
---- ----- ------ ---------
ZGhY4GzxaOQa Aakirkeby, Bornholm, Denmark 7953 48
PuKnpLeXhzZz Agerskov Street Race, Denmark 1995 16
eoXTIgWbaDS7 Alpe D'Huez Climb 19064 1127
Zk3oxp0BH1Y5 Amstel Gold Loop 15482 171
CdJZ6XWaXfPO Around Nakskov, Lolland, Denmark 20665 59
5OMLEs1P4Jx3 Around Reykjavik, Fossvogsbakkar, Iceland 25758 114
yvyJb681qCEA Birket, Glentehøj, Lolland, Denmark 10126 47
mumBzQygFBi2 BlueHors-Tørskind-Egtved-Loop, Denmark 18324 300
TSIUncGT2xny Bording Loop, Ikast, Denmark 7228 37
Import someone elses magic road to your inventory in order to create an event using that road.
Import-RGTMagicRoad -Identity "<road id>"
- Identity: The ID of the road to import.
If successful the ID of the imported road is returned
PS C:\Users\Morten> Import-RGTMagicRoad -Identity "8giWXwqeL9Gt"
This example imports the Mortirolo magic road and returns the ID in this users Magic Roads inventory.
Creates a new container for branding files.
New-RGTBrandingContainer [-Brandingfolder]
- Brandingfolder: An optional parameter. If it is specified the command looks for branding files following a naming convention in the provided folder. For more information see Branding file naming convention below.
A Branding object where paths to individual branding files can be set.
$branding = New-RGTBrandingContainer
$branding.EventThumbnail = "C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\EventThumbnail.png"
Creates an empty branding container and specifies location of event thumbnail image.
Note: Command does not verify if file exists.
$branding = New-RGTBrandingContainer -BrandingFolder C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2
A new $branding variable is created and the specified folder is scanned for brandingfiles and added to the container. If we type $branding
and hit enter we will see the contents of the container:
PS C:\Users\Morten> $branding
EventThumbnail : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\EventThumbnail.png
Billboard01 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Billboard01.png
Billboard02 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Billboard02.png
Billboard03 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Billboard03.png
Fence01 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Fence01.png
Fence02 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Fence02.png
Fence03 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Fence03.png
Fence04 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Fence04.png
Fence05 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Fence05.png
Fence06 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Fence06.png
Flag01 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Flag01.png
Flag02 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Flag02.png
Flag03 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Flag03.png
GateMainTop : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\GateMainTop.png
GateMainSide : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\GateMainSide.png
Decal01 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Decal01.png
Decal02 : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\Decal02.png
SignDistance : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\SignDistance.png
TentBasicTop : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\TentBasicTop.png
TentBasicWall : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\TentBasicWall.png
TentTechTop : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\TentTechTop.png
TentTechWall : C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\RGTLigaBrandingV2\TentTechWall.png
GateSegmentTop :
GateSegmentSide :
In order for this command to discover the branding files, they must be named after which branding asset it is. The convention is <assetname>.png:
- EventThumbnail.png
- Billboard01.png
- Billboard02.png
- Billboard03.png
- Fence01.png
- Fence02.png
- Fence03.png
- Fence04.png
- Fence05.png
- Fence06.png
- Flag01.png
- Flag02.png
- Flag03.png
- GateMainTop.png
- GateMainSide.png
- Decal01.png
- Decal02.png
- SignDistance.png
- TentBasicTop.png
- TentBasicWall.png
- TentTechTop.png
- GateSegmentTop.png
- GateSegmentSide.png
Creates a new event
-Start <string>
-EventName <string>
-EventDescription <string>
-RoadUID <string>
[-Laps <int> ]
[-Scene (Classic | Spring_in_Europe) ]
[-Branding <Branding>]
[-Bots <int>]
[-BotsMinPwr <int>]
[-BotsType (Pacing | Real)]
[-BotsMode (Beginner | Custom | Distributed | Expert | Intermediate)]
[-BotsMaxPwr <int>]
[-RaceType (Race | Group)]
- Start: (Mandatory) A string representing the start of the event in local time in the following format: dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM
- EventName: (Mandatory) The name of the event as shown in RGT
- EventDescription: (Mandatory) The descriptive text displayed under the event
- RoadUID: (Mandatory) The ID of the real road or magic road. If RoadUID is numeric, it is considered a real road. If the RoadUID is alfanumeric it is considered a magic road. In this case the connected users inventory is checked for such a road and if not found the command tries to import that magic road to users repository.
- Laps: The number of laps to do on route. Default value is 1.
- Scene: Which scene to use for graphics. Default is Classic.
- Public: Switchparameter. Makes event searchable in RGT Web.
- Bots: The number of bots to have in the event. Default is 0.
- BotsMinPwr: Minimum power for bots. Default is 70.
- BotsType: Default is Real
- BotsMode: Behavior of the bots. Default is Beginner.
- BotsMaxPwr: Maximum power of bots. Default is 310.
- RaceType: Whether this is a race or a group ride. Default is Race.
- ReleaseGap: Used for timetrials. The time(seconds) between a group of riders are started. Default 15.
- RidersPerRelease: How many riders are started in each slot. Default is 1.
- Rubberband: Switchparameter. Enables rubberband effect in group rides.
- NoDrafting: Switchparameter. Disables drafting
- NoMassstart: Switchparameter. Disables massstart thus enabling riders to be released according to the ReleaseGap and RidersPerRelease parameters.
An Event object containing event information such as:
- Event id
- Signup URL
- Total distance
- Total elevation.
PS C:\Users\Morten> $myevent = New-RGTEvent -Start "15-03-2023 22:00" -EventName "Test event" -EventDescription "This is a test" -RoadUID 94 -Laps 4 -Public
PS C:\Users\Morten> $myevent
EventId : NU28TG
SignupLink :
TotalDistance : 30800
TotalElevation : 76
Title : Test event
Laps : 4
This example creates a 4 lap race on Borrego Springs starting at 22:00 on March 15th. 2023 local time.
$branding = New-RGTBrandingContainer -BrandingFolder C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\DM2023BrandingV1
$disclaimer = Get-Content 'C:\Users\Morten\Documents\Disclaimer_DMOpen.txt' -Raw -Encoding UTF8
$races = Import-Csv -LiteralPath 'C:\users\Morten\Downloads\DM Open 2023 - Sheet1.csv' -Delimiter "," -Header Start, Title, Road, Laps
$races | ForEach-Object {
$event = New-RGTEvent -Start $_.Start -EventName $_.Title -EventDescription $disclaimer -RoadUID $_.Road -Laps $_.Laps -Scene Classic -Branding $branding
if($event -ne $null) {
What it does:
First a branding container for all events is created with assets from DM2023BrandingV1 folder:
$branding = New-RGTBrandingContainer -BrandingFolder C:\users\Morten\Pictures\RGTAssets\DM2023BrandingV1
Then a descriptive text(in this case a disclaimer) for all events are loaded:
$disclaimer = Get-Content 'C:\Users\Morten\Documents\Disclaimer_DMOpen.txt' -Raw -Encoding UTF8
Events are created in an spreadsheet and exported as CSV with a comma seperating values. This is the contents of that file:
11-03-2023 11:00,Open 1: Borrego TT,94,2
11-03-2023 12:30,Open 2: Canary Wharf,70,10
11-03-2023 14:15,Open 3: Paterberg,86,3
11-03-2023 16:00,Open Finale: Gunnars Dødsrute,mumBzQygFBi2,1
In this case the format is as follows:
This is loaded in to Powershell using the standard Powershell command Import-CSV
. We tell this command to name first column 'Start', then 'Title', 'Road' and 'Laps'. This is important when we later want to reference those values.
$races = Import-Csv -LiteralPath 'C:\users\Morten\Downloads\DM Open 2023 - Sheet1.csv' -Delimiter "," -Header Start, Title, Road, Laps
Please note that you can easily change the format of the CSV file and include more options if necessary.
With the branding, descriptive text and race information loaded, we are ready to loop over the rows from the CSV file and mass create events. The following will process each line in the CSV one at a time:
$races | ForEach-Object {
Now we come to the exiting part where we create the actual event. Inside our ForEach-Object
loop we access the current element(line) by typing $_
and then the column name as we specified in the Import-Csv
command above.
$event = New-RGTEvent -Start $_.Start -EventName $_.Title -EventDescription $disclaimer -RoadUID $_.Road -Laps $_.Laps -Scene Classic -Branding $branding
If creation is successful, an Event object is returned with EventId and SignupLink:
if($event -ne $null) {
Gets a result from an event including signed up riders, segment results and the race result in itself.
Get-RGTResult -EventId <eventid>
- EventId: The id of the event, for example EVY23E
If successful an EventResult object containing the following properties:
- Name <string>
- Result <list>
- Segments <list>
- Signups <list>
A list of Rider objects containing riders name and details like weight, height, country etc.
A list of segments if route contains any. Each Segment element contains a list of Result objects with time and rider for each passage of the segment.
Each Segment object also contains a GetRidersBest()
method that returns a list with each riders best segment result for that segment in that race.
$result = Get-RGTResult -EventId "EVY23E"
$result.Result | FT Rank, Rider, Time, Distance, Kmh, AvgPwr, Best20MinPwr, AvgHr
Retrieves the result and prints a result list to the console.
$result = Get-RGTResult -EventId "EVY23E"
$result.Signups | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table Name, CountryName, Age, Weight, Height, Gender
Prints a list of all signed up riders ordered by their name.
$result = Get-RGTResult -EventId "EVY23E"
Prints the classification for the first segment.
Add a user to be able to talk in the race radio.
Add-RGTRaceRadioUser -EventId <string> -UserEmail <string>
- EventId: The id of the event, for example EVY23E
- UserEmail: The email address/login of the user to add
if successful
Add-RGTRaceRadioUser -EventId "EVY23E" -UserEmail "[email protected]"