### Python 3.10.12
### Flask 3.0.3
### PyMongo 4.7.2
### Waitress 3.0.0
### Docker - DockerCompose
### Clone the repository and add the following env variables using the terminal (required)
#### MONGO_DB_URI = "The uri of your mongodb instance"
#### MONGO_DB_NAME = "The name of your database inside your mongodb instance"
#### PORT = "The port for you API inside your docker container"
### Run
#### docker compose up
### [GET] localhost:3000/api/v1/stores
### [POST] localhost:3000/api/v1/stores/add
#### json body example
##### {
"new_store": {
"name": "my_store",
"location": "Ecuador"
### [PUT] localhost:3000/api/v1/stores/update/<store_id>
#### json body example
##### {
"new_store_data": {
"name": "store_updated",
"location": "Colombia"
### [DELETE] localhost:3000/api/v1/stores/delete/<store_id>