Message Central is a CPaaS solution with OTP SMS APIs, SMS APIs, and WhatsApp marketing platform. You can reach customers across the globe and enable engaging and effective communication strategies.
MessageCentral Website
Message Now is a bulk SMS service provided by Message Central. It allows businesses to send large volumes of text messages to their customers or subscribers simultaneously, enabling efficient and effective communication.
VerifyNow : Verify Now is a user authentication service provided by Message Central, which enables businesses to verify users' phone numbers using a One-Time Password (OTP) sent via SMS.
The usage of the API is based on several resources.
Before starting to use the API, the developer needs to know about the below specified details:
API service endpoint
- Base URL :
Two endpoints are defined in One Time Password SMS API: - POST /verification/v2/verification/send : Sends an SMS with the desired message and an OTP code to the received phone number
- POST /verification/v2/verification/validateOtp : Verifies the received code as input is valid for the given authenticationId.
Authentication is performed using an auth token. You can request an auth token by sending a request to the auth token API with your MessageCentral customer ID and key. The key is the base64 encoded password.
Snippets elaborates REST based API call with "curl" to request
Snippet Request Code |
curl --location--request POST'****************&flowType=SMS&mobileNumber=971X8X2X23&otpLength=4'\--header 'authToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdLIiOiJDLTMzNDMyQTVGNDlGNzQwNCIsImlhdCI6MTY5NjMxNDQzNiwiZXhwIjoxNjk2OTE5MjM2fQ. UDSi6Mpjr5INVGm4SRFrPAFpxEanH64AD6JkiAv2zIReANR6pgmGEoo-T4AXXmgpqXjP56NYh6mFvLQzI__uaA' |
The response will be: 200 { “responseCode”:200, “message”: “SUCCESS”, “data”:{ “verificationId”: “20”, “mobileNumber”: “8846735392”, “responseCode”: “200”, “errorMessage”: null, “timeout”: “60”, “smsCLI”: null, “transactionId”: null } } |
Snippet Validate code |
curl --location'************&code=XXXX'\--header 'authToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdLIiODMyQTVGNDlGNzQwNCIsImlhdCIMxNDQzNiwiZXhwIjoxNjk2OTE5MjM2fQ.UDSi6Mpjr 5INVGmpxEanH64AD6JkiAv2zIReANR6pgmGEoo-T4AXXmgpqXjP56NYh6mFvLQzI__uaA' |
The response will be: { "responseCode": 200, "message": "SUCCESS", "data": { "verificationId": "20", "mobileNumber": "8846735392", "verificationStatus": "VERIFICATION_COMPLETED", "responseCode": "200", "errorMessage": null, "transactionId": null, "authToken": eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdLIiDMyQTVGNDlGNzQwNCIsImlhNjMxNDQzNiwiZXhwIjoxNjk2OTE5MjM2fQ.UDSi6Mpjr 5INVGm4SRFrP64AD6JkiAv2zIReANR6pgmGEoo-T4AXXmgpqXjP56NYh6mFvLQzI__uaA } } |
What are the benefits of using Message Now?
- By using Message Now, you can reach a large audience quickly and cost-effectively. It enables personalized communication, helps increase customer engagement, and supports various use cases such as promotional campaigns, alerts, notifications, reminders, and more.
Can I schedule SMS campaigns in advance?
- Yes, Message Now offers the option to schedule messages for future delivery. This feature allows you to plan and automate your SMS campaigns, ensuring messages are sent at the most appropriate times for maximum impact.
Is Message Now suitable for businesses of all sizes?
- Yes, Message Now is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. It can be tailored to meet your specific requirements and scale according to your messaging needs.