We're writing a neural network from scratch in an attempt to remove watermarks from images! The Code/ Directory contains the latest version of the working program, that which we combined until 1 cpp file for the sake of time. The Visual Studio Files/ directory contains the original, non-working, code that we used to learn the ins and outs of a simple neural network.
The program offers 2 main options:
- to train the neural network with the data file that is included in the source folder
- predict the hospital, icu, and death chance based on user input parameters
The neural network structure would need to be tweaked to get better output data, as we seem to think.
On program start, it may take a minute or 2 to start up, as all of the linear regression calculations are occuring before the user can choose what to do.
IMPORTANT This program was almost entirely developed in Visual Studio 2019 Eigen3 may not work properly for you, in which case you would reinstall it with the nuGet package manager. To do so refer to the documentation here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/install-use-packages-visual-studio
Otherwise, stay safe, wear your mask, and enjoy! :D