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Open Book

MoSadie edited this page Apr 24, 2022 · 3 revisions


Display the written book reading screen with whatever text is desired. Book contents from online book generators are supported and there is an in-game command to export a held book for ease of writing.

To use an online book generator, copy the part of the give command that begins with {pages:[ to the closing }. For example, for the command /give @p written_book{pages:['{"text":"This is the first page"}'],title:Title,author:MoSadie}, the part to copy is {pages:['{"text":"This is the first page"}'],title:Title,author:MoSadie}

To use the in-game command, simply hold a signed, written book in your hand and run the command /effectmc exportbook. The Book JSON for that book can then be found in the log file.

This effect can be triggered from any screen, including the main menu.

Configuration Options

  • Title (optional): An optional title to display on the key. Customize location and font using the T icon to the right of the text box.
  • Minecraft IP (required): The address that the EffectMC mod is running on. (Example: http://localhost:3000)
  • Book JSON: The JSON representation of the NBT tags of the book to display. See above for how to find/generate this information.

Example Configuration

Screenshot of Elgato Stream Deck software with a title, Minecraft IP, and Book JSON set for the Open Book action

In-Game Experience

Gif of the player staring at a forest, a book appears on screen. After reading it, the player goes to the main menu. Another book appears on screen again.

Advanced: HTTP Request Information

  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /openbook
  • Parameters:
    • device: Device ID (String)
  • Request Body: The Book JSON (as described above) (String)