- Class will begin Tuesday, January 19 in honor of Martin Luther King Jr Day on January 18
- We will check in on the options of extending our Saturday class by 30 minutes or adding an additional day (Feb 22) to accommodate the holiday
- Must be a registered user
- See the Initialize Section for the pword
Galvanize Data Science YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE!
Add this Chrome Extension to see rendered Math formulas on Github
Notetaking Strategy for Immersives : Tutorial on how to take notes in order to have quick reference while in the DSI
MathJax Reference on StackExchange : Indispensible for writing Markdown with LaTEX
JB Statistics: Excellent supplemental resource!
Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISLR) : Seminal work on Machine Learning, highly recommended!
Elements of Statistical Learning (ESL) : Grad level of the ISLR
Khan Academy : For refreshers in Algebra and Calculus
Desmos browser-based graphing app : Quick visualization of math
Derivative Calculator : For checking Calculus work
Visual Go : A language-agnostic tour of data structures and algorithms
Instructor: Tovio, Clark
Slide Decks:
HW assignment:
- Sign up for Repl.it, this will be an initial coding environment
- Visit Google Colabs and create a notebook
- Read through the Welcome to Data Science Prep Section
- Read the first 3 units in Introduction to Python
- Welcome to Python
- About Python Programming
- Complete all the challenges in Python Basics
- Install VSCode
- Set up a GitHub account (http://github.com)
- Share your github username
- Follow clownfragment and clarkwalker
- Set up a CodeWars account
HW solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 1 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment: N/A
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 2 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete the Day 1 Homework first (links above)
- Complete all Challenges in these Learn Sections:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 3 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete these Units on Learn:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 4 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Learn Units in Intro Python:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 5 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete these Learn Units:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 6 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Work through these Learn Units:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 7 Lecture
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Summary Stats: Centrality
HW assignment:
- Review today's stats code
- Complete these Units on Learn:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 8 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Python HW
- Wrap up these Units on Learn:
HW Solutions: Python HW solutions (Tic Tac Toe)
Video Lecture: Day 9 Lecture
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Summary Stats: Measures of Spread
HW assignment:
- Complete the Sets and Set Operations Unit on Learn
- Complete the Basic Probability Unit on Learn
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 10
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
- Review f-strings and
- Accumulator Review
HW assignment: N/A
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 11
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Intro to Set Theory
HW assignment: N/A
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 12
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck: Function Practice 1
HW assignment: N/A
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 13
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Review the Learn materials on Factorial, Permutations and Combinations
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 14
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Statistical Counting
HW assignment:
- Complete these Lessons in Discrete Probability Distributions
- Read the Heap’s Algorithm for permutations page on Wikipedia
- Bonus: Write the Heap’s Algorithm in Python
- Bonus x 2: Revise the brute force Combinations Intuition code in the GH repo to be more optimal, as in, look for a combinations algorithm and implement it. (Here’s one option: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyXDQxuIwPU))
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 15
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Review the code and materials regarding the General Analytic Approach
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 16
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Wrap up these Lessons in Discrete Probability Distributions
- Complete
- Review the code and materials regarding the Binomial Distribution in the stats folder
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 17
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete this Lesson in Discrete Probability Distributions
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 18
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete the Continuous Probability Distributions Unit on Learn
- Code out your own analytic approach to a phenomenon (mathematical, probabilistic, etc), and submit a .py file, a collab link, or a github link in the associated thread
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 19
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment: Continuous Probability Distributions Unit
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 20
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck: Function Practice 2
HW assignment:
- These lessons in the Conditional Probability Unit
- Review
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 21
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Continuous Distributions
HW assignment
- These are optional:
- Do the Kaggle Pandas Tutorial
- Read 2.2, 4.6.5, and 5.1 of Introduction to Statistical Learning
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 22
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Bayes Theorem
HW assignment:
- Complete these units on Learn
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 23
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Intro to Machine Learning
HW assignment:
- Continue working on remaining Learn materials
- Schedule a mentoring session to gauge where you are at and where you need to focus
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 24
Instructor: Tovio Roberts and Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment: Finish your Learn materials and get ready for your TI!
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 25
We will share a link to an exit survey in Slack at the end of this course. Please feel free to complete this survey in order to help us improve our course.