GPTWOL is a simple and lightweight Wake on Lan gui made with python to wake up your computers on your LAN. It was made mostly by chatGPT.
- Docker Image to deploy
- Send Wake On Lan packets
- Add or Delete Computer
- Computers status check with ping or tcp request (timeout settings available)
- Very low power usage (20 mb RAM)
- Check if IP and MAC provided are valid
- cron job to wake up device
- Check if Cron provided is valid
- Search on cumputer Name, MAC or IP
- Dark mode
- Ping Refresh to check Status availibility
- Disable Delete or Add Computers
- Change the port of the Web UI
It's recommanded to use docker compose to run this application. Install documentation
- The app container needs to run in host network mode to send the wakeonlan command on your local network.
- Make sure that the PORT you are using is free on your host computer
- Make sure that BIOS settings and remote OS is configure to allow Wake On Lan
- Don't expose gptwol directly on internet without proper authentication
Create docker-compose.yml
container_name: gptwol
image: misterbabou/gptwol:latest
network_mode: host
restart: unless-stopped
- PORT=8080 #Free Port on Your host; default is 5000
- TZ=Europe/Paris #Set your timezone for Cron; default is UTC
#- SCRIPT_NAME=/my-app #Uncomment this line to run the app under a prefix
#- DISABLE_ADD_DEL=1 #Uncomment this line to disable Add or delete Computers; default is to allow
#- DISABLE_REFRESH=1 #Uncomment this line to prevent your browser to refresh Computer status; default is to allow
#- REFRESH_INTERVAL=15 # Uncomment this line to change status check for icmp ou tcp, can be 15 or 60 (seconds); default value is 30 seconds
#- PING_TIMEOUT=200 #Uncomment this line to change the time to wait for a ping answer in (in ms); default value is 300 milliseconds
#- TCP_TIMEOUT=5 #Uncomment this line to change the time to wait for a tcp check (in s); default value 1 second
- ./computers.txt:/app/computers.txt
- ./appdata/cron:/etc/cron.d
Create the file for storing computers (the mounted file on docker-compose)
touch computers.txt
Run the application
docker compose up -d
Create the file for storing computers (the mounted file on docker command)
touch computers.txt
Run the application
docker run -d \
--name=gptwol \
--network="host" \
--restart unless-stopped \
-e PORT=8080 \
-e TZ=Europe/Paris \
-v ./computers.txt:/app/computers.txt \
-v ./appdata/cron:/etc/cron.d \
✔️ Add ARM version (Added in 1.0.1)
✔️ Add feature to plan automatic Wake on Lan (Cron) (Added in 1.0.3)
✔️ Add Search feature (Added in 1.0.4)
✔️ Remove Cron on Computer deletion (Added in 1.0.4)
✔️ Improve load page performance due to ping timeout. (added in 1.0.5)
✔️ Add a TCP port option to check availibility without using ICMP (added in 2.0.1)
✔️ Run app on subpath (added in 2.1.0)
✔️ Make app responsive for smaller screen (added in 2.1.0)
✔️ Add Dark Mode Switch (added in 2.1.3)
Add filter buttons to filter computer by Name or IP
Add OIDC Authentication (will require time)
moove computers.txt in an other directory not to mount a file but a directory to the docker container