A C# library that provides sematic version numbers (see http://semver.org/), for use as-is, and wrapped as a web service.
- Generates correct semantic version numbers by increasing major, minor or patch level
- Supports pre-release identifiers and build metadata extensions
- Validates versions against the definitions at semver.org
- Default persistence uses file system, handles concurrency issues properly
- Can be used and extended in any other .NET project
- Fully unit and integration tested (see VersionProvider.Core.Tests and VersionProvider.Core.IntegrationTests)
- A Web API sample project that exposes VersionProvider.Core features as web service
- Supports multiple version "scopes" (i.e. components, projects etc. that you want to version) through configuration
For core usage samples, see the unit and integration test projects.
Examples of talking to the sample web service in SemVerServer:
GET /Api/SemVer/GetCurrentVersion/MyProject
Initializes with and returns 0.1.0 for the first call, or the current version, respectively
GET /Api/SemVer/GetNextBugFixVersion/MyProject
Increases the patch level, i.e. 0.1.0 => 0.1.1
GET /Api/SemVer/GetNextFeatureVersion/MyProject
Increases the minor version, resets the patch level, i.e. 0.1.1 => 0.2.0
GET /Api/SemVer/GetNextPreRelaseVersion/MyProject?preReleaseIdentifier=alpha.1
Sets the prerelease extensions without touching the major, minor, patch levels, i.e. 0.2.0-alpha.1
GET /Api/SemVer/GetNextBugFixVersion/MyProject?preReleaseIdentifier=rc-1
Gets the next bug fix version and sets the prerelease identifier, i.e. 0.2.1-rc-1
GET /Api/SemVer/GetNextBugFixVersion/MyProject?preReleaseIdentifier=rc.02
Returns error 400 Bad Request with an appropriate validation error message because the numeric parts of a pre-release identifier must not contain leading zeros
POST /Api/SemVer/SetVersion/MyProject
Hard-(re-)sets the version to the given SemanticVersionInfo struct contained in the request body
All response formats are either XML or JSON encoded, depending on the request headers, and look like:
Have fun!