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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 9, 2022. It is now read-only.

Discord Info

Andre_601 edited this page Jan 8, 2022 · 19 revisions


  1. Use common sense before you do anything! (aka don't be a dick)
  2. Don't spam
  3. Don't advertise (Discord, Minecraft server, premium plugins, etc.)
  4. Use plugin channels for support
  • This is more of a guideline, but please don't tag/DM anyone about your issue, just post it in the correct support channel and someone will assist you when they can!

Projects available on our server

Project Authors Source Code Releases
EssentialsX EssentialsX Team GitHub Spigot
FactionsUUID drtshock GitHub Spigot
PlayerVaultsX drtshock GitHub Spigot
NuVotifier Ichbinjoe GitHub Spigot
ObsidianDestroyer drtshock GitHub Spigot
Potato drtshock GitHub N/A
eZProtector DoNotSpamPls GitHub Spigot
LWC Extended pop4959 GitHub Spigot
PermissionsEx zml2008 GitHub N/A
Eggs Egg82 GitHub Spigot
Minigames Narimm Github Spigot
Squaremap jpenilla GitHub GitHub

Get Your Project Added

If your project meets the following criteria, send Trent#6666 a message.

  • Open source. Can be behind a paywall like FactionsUUID.
  • Non-trivial project.
  • Has a fair amount of active users/plugin downloads/repository forks/etc.

Benefits of having your project here:

  • Part of an active community of OSS developers and users.
  • A Project Lead role that makes you stand out and can give contributor to others!
  • Other OSS developers close by that you can harass to help with your project <3


Role Criteria
Project Lead Leader on one of our projects
Moderator Non contributors that moderate the Discord server
Contributor Has made substantial contributions to 1 or more project
Verified A known person in the Minecraft community
Supporter EssentialsX Patreon subscriber <3
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