Tool that will track and rank contributions across the different Mina developer programs. Consists of two bot:
- Python 3.10
- MongoDB
- Google Cloud Service Account with access to Google Sheets API
- Docker
Clone the repository:
git clone cd PGT_LeaderBot
In the root folder install virtual env and create virtual env:
pip install virtualenv virtualenv venv
Activate it:
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure the environment variables
Create .env file in the root folder and add environment variables as shown in the .env.example file:
GITHUB_TOKEN='your_github_token' DISCORD_TOKEN='your_discord_token' OPENAI_API_KEY='your_openai_api_key' GOOGLE_SHEETS_CREDENTIALS='path_to_your_google_sheets_credentials.json' SHARED_SECRET='shared_secret' MONGO_HOST='mongodb://localhost:27017/' MONGO_DB="example_db" MONGO_COLLECTION="example_collection" GTP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8000 SPREADSHEET_ID='spread_sheet_id' LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG GUILD_ID=XXXXXXXX [email protected] LEADERBOARD_FORUM_CHANNEL_ID=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
You need to have google credentials .json file which has access your spreadsheet in the root folder. Need to enable Google Sheets API and Google Drive API. Click for more information.
Run tests:
invoke test
Run github tracker bot:
invoke bot
For other invoke tasks look to:
To run Leaderbot discord bot, you need to have Discord bot in a specific server.
invoke leaderbot
Github Tracker Bot fetchs to Google Spreadsheets which includes discord handle, github username and repositories. After getting these informations it fetches github commits data between specific timeframes given by user or day by day for all branches. After pre-processing the commits data. The bot sends total daily commits data(diff file) to OPENAI API to decide are these commits qualified with prompt.
Then gets the decisions data and insert them to MongoDB to further usage.
Date formats are ISO 8601 with Z suffix which is UTC. For example:
is the main script for running a FastAPI service that provides functionality to schedule and run tasks to fetch results from a spreadsheet within specified time frames. The script includes endpoints to start and stop a scheduler, as well as to run tasks on demand.
All of them uses headers headers = {"Authorization": AUTH_TOKEN}
gotten from .env SHARED_SECRET
Endpoint: /run-task
Method: POST
This endpoint allows you to run a task immediately and manually for a specified time frame.
(str): Start datetime in ISO 8601 format (e.g.,2023-07-24T00:00:00Z
(str): End datetime in ISO 8601 format (e.g.,2023-07-25T00:00:00Z
"since": "2023-07-24T00:00:00Z",
"until": "2023-07-25T00:00:00Z"
"message": "Task run successfully with provided times"
Endpoint: /run-task-for-user?username=johndoe
Method: POST
This endpoint allows you to run a task immediately and manually for a specified time frame and specific user.
(str): Start datetime in ISO 8601 format (e.g.,2023-07-24T00:00:00Z
(str): End datetime in ISO 8601 format (e.g.,2023-07-25T00:00:00Z
Endpoint: /run-task-for-user?username=berkingurcan
"since": "2023-07-24T00:00:00Z",
"until": "2023-07-25T00:00:00Z"
"message": "Task run successfully with provided times"
Endpoint: /control-scheduler
Method: POST
This endpoint allows you to start or stop the scheduler that runs tasks at specified minutes intervals. It is minutes for now to test. It will be hours.
(str): Action to perform (start
(int, optional): Interval in minutes(for now) at which the scheduler should run the task (only required when action isstart
"action": "start",
"interval_minutes": 5
"action": "stop"
"message": "Scheduler started with interval of 5 minutes"
"message": "Scheduler stopped"
The User
class is a nested dataclass designed to store and manage information about a user, including their GitHub-related activities and AI decisions regarding their contributions. This class stores 4 necessary data:
- user_handle:
- github_name:
- repositories:
- ai_decisions:
Remaining fields can be calculated using helper functions in the
The AIDecision
Class stores AI decision related to a user's daily contribution for specific github repository. It includes details about the repository, date, and a nested response indicating the qualification status of the contribution which is DailyContributionResponse
- username:
- repository:
- date:
- response:
The DailyContributionResponse
class is another dataclass to store information about a user's daily contribution response returned by OPENAI API for specific repository. It includes details about the contribution's qualification status and an AI explanation for it.
- username: str
- date: str
- is_qualified: bool
- explanation: str
Click to see full code of User, AIDecision and DailyContributionResponse Classes
class DailyContributionResponse:
username: str
date: str
is_qualified: bool
explanation: str
def to_dict(self):
"""Converts the dataclass to a dictionary."""
return asdict(self)
class AIDecision:
username: str
repository: str
date: str
response: DailyContributionResponse
commit_hashes: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
def to_dict(self):
"""Converts the dataclass to a dictionary, including nested response."""
data = asdict(self)
data["response"] = self.response.to_dict()
return data
class User:
user_handle: str
github_name: str
repositories: List[str]
ai_decisions: List[List[AIDecision]] = field(default_factory=list)
total_daily_contribution_number: int = 0
total_qualified_daily_contribution_number: int = 0
qualified_daily_contribution_number_by_month: Dict[str, int] = field(
qualified_daily_contribution_dates: set = field(default_factory=set)
qualified_daily_contribution_streak: int = 0
def validate(self) -> bool:
"""Validates the User instance."""
if not isinstance(self.repositories, list) or not all(
isinstance(repo, str) for repo in self.repositories
logger.error("Invalid repository list")
return False
return True
def to_dict(self):
"""Converts the dataclass to a dictionary."""
return {
"user_handle": self.user_handle,
"github_name": self.github_name,
"repositories": self.repositories,
"ai_decisions": [
[decision.to_dict() for decision in decisions]
for decisions in self.ai_decisions
"total_daily_contribution_number": self.total_daily_contribution_number,
"total_qualified_daily_contribution_number": self.total_qualified_daily_contribution_number,
"qualified_daily_contribution_number_by_month": self.qualified_daily_contribution_number_by_month,
"qualified_daily_contribution_dates": list(
"qualified_daily_contribution_streak": self.qualified_daily_contribution_streak,
def from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "User":
"""Creates a User instance from a dictionary."""
ai_decisions = [
"commit_hashes", []
for decision in decisions
for decisions in data.get("ai_decisions", [])
return User(
repositories=data.get("repositories", []),
"total_daily_contribution_number", 0
"total_qualified_daily_contribution_number", 0
"qualified_daily_contribution_number_by_month", {}
data.get("qualified_daily_contribution_dates", [])
"qualified_daily_contribution_streak", 0
This class can be used to initalize and use database management. Explained here
Scripts Explanation
Helper functions explanations
This database management script provides functionalities to manage user data and AI decisions in a MongoDB database. It supports creating, reading, updating, and deleting user records, as well as managing AI decisions and contribution data associated with users.
- Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) Operations: Manage user records in the database including creation, retrieval, updating user details, and deletion.
- Validation: Each user instance undergoes validation to ensure data integrity before any CRUD operation.
- Retrieve AI Decisions: Fetch AI decisions based on user identity, with options to filter by date range.
- Add AI Decisions: Append new AI decisions to a user’s existing record.
- Update Contribution Data: Recalculates and updates user statistics based on new AI decisions, utilizing helper functions for detailed metrics like total and qualified contributions, monthly breakdowns, and streak calculations. These calculations made in here.
- Get/Set Operations for Contribution Metrics: Retrieve or update contribution-related metrics such as total daily contributions, qualified contributions, and contribution streaks.
- Date-wise Management: Manage specific dates for qualified contributions, allowing for additions, updates, and retrieval.
Discord Bot for interacting with Google Sheets and data received from Github Scraper Bot to Mongo DB.
Explained here.
Additionally, need to enable google drive api to use sheet sharing functionality. username
variables are discord handles.
Description: Creates a Google Sheet with contributions data.
/commits-sheet-create spreadsheet_name: <name> email_address: <optional email>
- spreadsheet_name: Name for the new Google Sheet.
- email_address: (Optional) Email address to share the spreadsheet with. If not provided, the default email from the configuration will be used.
Description: Updates the Google Sheet with the latest contributions data in the Mongo DB.
/commits-sheet-update spreadsheet_id: <id>
- spreadsheet_id: Copy and Paste ID of the Google Sheet to be updated.
Description: Creates and updates a leaderboard sheet in the specified sheet for a specific month by using current data. If spreadsheet_id
is empty it will use the last created or updated sheet id. After creating the leaderboard, it will send the leaderboard to discord channel as message. If the leaderboard exists for specified date, it updates the leaderboard.
/leaderboard-create spreadsheet_id: <optional id> date: <YYYY-MM>
- spreadsheet_id: (Optional) ID of the Google Sheet to store the leaderboard. If not provided, the last created or updated sheet will be used.
- date: (Optional) Date in "YYYY-MM" format. If not provided, the current month will be used.
Description: Displays the leaderboard in the specified Discord Forum thread.
/leaderboard-view thread_id: <THREAD_ID> date: <YYYY-MM>
- thread_id: The ID of the thread where the leaderboard should be displayed.
- date: (Optional) Date in "YYYY-MM" format. If not provided, the current month will be used.
Description: Creates a modal to edit the Google Sheet which includes commits data from Discord.
/main-sheet-edit operation: <operation>
- operation: Operation to perform on the sheet. Valid options are:
for adding new user,update
to update user data,add_repo
to add repository,delete
the user data.
Description: Automatically posts the leaderboard and updates the sheet with given id every day at a specified time.
/leaderboard-start-auto-post date: <YYYY-MM> time: <HH:MM> spreadsheet_id: <optional id>
- date: Date in "YYYY-MM" format.
- time: Time in "HH-MM" format.
- spreadsheet_id: (Optional) ID of the Google Sheet. If not provided, the last created or updated sheet will be used. If not created or updated before, it will post leaderboard but will not update any sheet.
Description: Stops the auto-post leaderboard task started for a specific date.
/leaderboard-stop-auto-post date: <YYYY-MM>
- date: Date in "YYYY-MM" format for which the auto-post task should be stopped.
Description: Opens a thread that includes the Leaderboard for the month. Gets the forum channel ID from the .env file and exports the user data which contributed in the given month as csv.
/leaderboard-closure-month date: <YYYY-MM> commit_filter: <commit_filter>
- date: (Optional) Date in "YYYY-MM" format. Default is now.
- commit_filter:(Optional) Commit filter number to show only contributions greater than or equal to the specified number. Default is 10.
Description: Gets monthly streaks of users and creats thread to forum channel.
/get-monthly-streaks date: <YYYY-MM>
- date: (Optional) Date in "YYYY-MM" format. Default is now.
Description: Gets and inserts all members of the guild to the db in new collection with their username and discord id.
Description: Uses the Github Tracker Bot API /run-task
/run-task since: <since> until: <until>
- since: "YYYY-MM-DD" format since date.
- until: "YYYY-MM-DD" format until date.
Note: It is okay to get An Error Occured message after some time in the discord because the API request will take long time.
Description: Uses the Github Tracker Bot API /run-task-for-user
/run-task-for-user username: <username> since: <since> until: <until>
- username: Username for data to scraped.
- since: "YYYY-MM-DD" format since date.
- until: "YYYY-MM-DD" format until date.
Description: Uses the Github Tracker Bot API /control-scheduler
endpoint to control the scheduler (start/stop) with an optional interval.
/control-scheduler action: <action> interval: <interval>
- action:
- interval: Time interval to run scheduler.
Description: Exports AI decisions as csv file for specific user between given dates.
/get-ai-decisions-by-user username: <username> since: <since> until: <until>
- username: User handle of requested user.
- since: "YYYY-MM-DD" format since date.
- until: "YYYY-MM-DD" format until date.
Description: Exports all database user data to csv file.
Description: Fetchs MINA Explorer Rest api and sends blockchain summary as a message
Description: Export a specific user's monthly qualified contribution data for each day of a month
/get-user-monthly-data-to-csv username: <username> date: <date>
- username: User handle of requested user.
- date: "YYYY-MM" format date.
Description: Deletes all data between specific dates
/delete-all-data from: <from> until: <until>
- from: "YYYY-MM-DD"
- until: "YYYY-MM-DD"
After using this command, there will be a modal to confirm the deletion process. In order to confirm the deletion, you need to enter your discord username and exact same dates with the command. Warning : This process cannot be reverted.
To make a contribution, follow these steps:
- Make an issue that includes details about the feature or bug or something else. ======= Leaderboard Updates: Ranks contributors based on predefined metrics (KPI): 10+ days of qualified commits within a month.
- Get that issue tested by: Cristina Echeverry.
- Get that issue approved by the product owners: es92 or Cristina Echeverry.
- Write a PR and get it approved by the code owners and Mina devops: Es92 (code owner), berkingurcan (developer & codeco-owner), johnmarcou (Mina devops). Each PR must correspond to an approved issue. By default, PRs should be merged by the PR submitter, though in some cases if changes are needed, they can be merged by code owners.