Astrophychem Scripts will be helpful for reading and writing input output files, data information gathering!
- Before you run any of the scripts, make sure you add the lib into your $PYTHONPATH in you .bashrc or .bash_profile file. Something like: (suppose you copied the astrophychem into your home dir)
export PYTHONPATH=/public/apps/python/2.7.10/gcc.4.4.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/public/apps/numpy/1.9.2/gcc.4.4.7/python.2.7.10/atlas.3.11.11/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/public/apps/numpy/numpy-1.9.2:$HOME/astrophychem/lib:$PYTHONPATH
If you still do not know how, ask!!! You need to set this up first! You also need have a gaussian path and enviroment setup!
- Instructions for running write_anpass_input.py Attention: You will write your anpass.in anpass2.in in the same directory, make sure your displacement energy.dat is also in this directory, also you need to provide dir where intder.in locates
run: /home/qcheng1/projects/astrophychem/scripts/write_anpss_input.py anpass.in ../ /home/qcheng1/projects/cu-rovib/CuOH/1ap/av5z-dk-intder/
/home/qcheng1/projects/astrophychem/scripts/write_anpss_input.py anpass2.in ../ /home/qcheng1/projects/cu-rovib/CuOH/1ap/av5z-dk-intder/
- Instructions for running write_intder_input.py
/home/qcheng1/projects/astrophychem/scripts/write_intder_input.py intder_freqs.in ../data/