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File metadata and controls

503 lines (398 loc) · 28.6 KB
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host.json reference for Azure Functions 2.x
Describes the various available settings for the Azure Functions host that can be set in the host.json file for the Functions v4 runtime.

host.json reference for Azure Functions 2.x and later

[!div class="op_single_selector" title1="Select the version of the Azure Functions runtime you are using: "]

The host.json metadata file contains configuration options that affect all functions in a function app instance. This article lists the settings that are available starting with version 2.x of the Azure Functions runtime.


This article is for Azure Functions 2.x and later versions. For a reference of host.json in Functions 1.x, see host.json reference for Azure Functions 1.x.

Other function app configuration options are managed depending on where the function app runs:

Configurations in host.json related to bindings are applied equally to each function in the function app.

You can also override or apply settings per environment using application settings.

Sample host.json file

The following sample host.json file for version 2.x+ has all possible options specified (excluding any that are for internal use only).

    "version": "2.0",
    "aggregator": {
        "batchSize": 1000,
        "flushTimeout": "00:00:30"
    "concurrency": { 
            "dynamicConcurrencyEnabled": true, 
            "snapshotPersistenceEnabled": true 
    "extensions": {
        "blobs": {},
        "cosmosDb": {},
        "durableTask": {},
        "eventHubs": {},
        "http": {},
        "queues": {},
        "sendGrid": {},
        "serviceBus": {}
    "extensionBundle": {
        "id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
        "version": "[4.0.0, 5.0.0)"
    "functions": [ "QueueProcessor", "GitHubWebHook" ],
    "functionTimeout": "00:05:00",
    "healthMonitor": {
        "enabled": true,
        "healthCheckInterval": "00:00:10",
        "healthCheckWindow": "00:02:00",
        "healthCheckThreshold": 6,
        "counterThreshold": 0.80
    "logging": {
        "fileLoggingMode": "debugOnly",
        "logLevel": {
          "Function.MyFunction": "Information",
          "default": "None"
        "applicationInsights": {
            "samplingSettings": {
              "isEnabled": true,
              "maxTelemetryItemsPerSecond" : 20,
              "evaluationInterval": "01:00:00",
              "initialSamplingPercentage": 100.0, 
              "samplingPercentageIncreaseTimeout" : "00:00:01",
              "samplingPercentageDecreaseTimeout" : "00:00:01",
              "minSamplingPercentage": 0.1,
              "maxSamplingPercentage": 100.0,
              "movingAverageRatio": 1.0,
              "excludedTypes" : "Dependency;Event",
              "includedTypes" : "PageView;Trace"
            "dependencyTrackingOptions": {
                "enableSqlCommandTextInstrumentation": true
            "enableLiveMetrics": true,
            "enableDependencyTracking": true,
            "enablePerformanceCountersCollection": true,            
            "httpAutoCollectionOptions": {
                "enableHttpTriggerExtendedInfoCollection": true,
                "enableW3CDistributedTracing": true,
                "enableResponseHeaderInjection": true
            "snapshotConfiguration": {
                "agentEndpoint": null,
                "captureSnapshotMemoryWeight": 0.5,
                "failedRequestLimit": 3,
                "handleUntrackedExceptions": true,
                "isEnabled": true,
                "isEnabledInDeveloperMode": false,
                "isEnabledWhenProfiling": true,
                "isExceptionSnappointsEnabled": false,
                "isLowPrioritySnapshotUploader": true,
                "maximumCollectionPlanSize": 50,
                "maximumSnapshotsRequired": 3,
                "problemCounterResetInterval": "24:00:00",
                "provideAnonymousTelemetry": true,
                "reconnectInterval": "00:15:00",
                "shadowCopyFolder": null,
                "shareUploaderProcess": true,
                "snapshotInLowPriorityThread": true,
                "snapshotsPerDayLimit": 30,
                "snapshotsPerTenMinutesLimit": 1,
                "tempFolder": null,
                "thresholdForSnapshotting": 1,
                "uploaderProxy": null
    "managedDependency": {
        "enabled": true
    "singleton": {
      "lockPeriod": "00:00:15",
      "listenerLockPeriod": "00:01:00",
      "listenerLockRecoveryPollingInterval": "00:01:00",
      "lockAcquisitionTimeout": "00:01:00",
      "lockAcquisitionPollingInterval": "00:00:03"
    "telemetryMode": "OpenTelemetry",
    "watchDirectories": [ "Shared", "Test" ],
    "watchFiles": [ "myFile.txt" ]

The following sections of this article explain each top-level property. All are optional unless otherwise indicated.


[!INCLUDE aggregator]


This setting is a child of logging.

Controls options for Application Insights, including sampling options.

For the complete JSON structure, see the earlier example host.json file.


Log sampling may cause some executions to not show up in the Application Insights monitor blade. To avoid log sampling, add excludedTypes: "Request" to the samplingSettings value.

Property Default Description
samplingSettings n/a See applicationInsights.samplingSettings.
dependencyTrackingOptions n/a See applicationInsights.dependencyTrackingOptions.
enableLiveMetrics true Enables live metrics collection.
enableDependencyTracking true Enables dependency tracking.
enablePerformanceCountersCollection true Enables Kudu performance counters collection.
liveMetricsInitializationDelay 00:00:15 For internal use only.
httpAutoCollectionOptions n/a See applicationInsights.httpAutoCollectionOptions.
snapshotConfiguration n/a See applicationInsights.snapshotConfiguration.


For more information about these settings, see Sampling in Application Insights.

Property Default Description
isEnabled true Enables or disables sampling.
maxTelemetryItemsPerSecond 20 The target number of telemetry items logged per second on each server host. If your app runs on many hosts, reduce this value to remain within your overall target rate of traffic.
evaluationInterval 01:00:00 The interval at which the current rate of telemetry is reevaluated. Evaluation is performed as a moving average. You might want to shorten this interval if your telemetry is liable to sudden bursts.
initialSamplingPercentage 100.0 The initial sampling percentage applied at the start of the sampling process to dynamically vary the percentage. Don't reduce value while you're debugging.
samplingPercentageIncreaseTimeout 00:00:01 When the sampling percentage value changes, this property determines how soon afterwards Application Insights is allowed to raise sampling percentage again to capture more data.
samplingPercentageDecreaseTimeout 00:00:01 When the sampling percentage value changes, this property determines how soon afterwards Application Insights is allowed to lower sampling percentage again to capture less data.
minSamplingPercentage 0.1 As sampling percentage varies, this property determines the minimum allowed sampling percentage.
maxSamplingPercentage 100.0 As sampling percentage varies, this property determines the maximum allowed sampling percentage.
movingAverageRatio 1.0 In the calculation of the moving average, the weight assigned to the most recent value. Use a value equal to or less than 1. Smaller values make the algorithm less reactive to sudden changes.
excludedTypes null A semi-colon delimited list of types that you don't want to be sampled. Recognized types are: Dependency, Event, Exception, PageView, Request, and Trace. All instances of the specified types are transmitted; the types that aren't specified are sampled.
includedTypes null A semi-colon delimited list of types that you want to be sampled; an empty list implies all types. Type listed in excludedTypes override types listed here. Recognized types are: Dependency, Event, Exception, PageView, Request, and Trace. Instances of the specified types are sampled; the types that aren't specified or implied are transmitted without sampling.


Property Default Description
enableHttpTriggerExtendedInfoCollection true Enables or disables extended HTTP request information for HTTP triggers: incoming request correlation headers, multi-instrumentation keys support, HTTP method, path, and response.
enableW3CDistributedTracing true Enables or disables support of W3C distributed tracing protocol (and turns on legacy correlation schema). Enabled by default if enableHttpTriggerExtendedInfoCollection is true. If enableHttpTriggerExtendedInfoCollection is false, this flag applies to outgoing requests only, not incoming requests.
enableResponseHeaderInjection true Enables or disables injection of multi-component correlation headers into responses. Enabling injection allows Application Insights to construct an Application Map to when several instrumentation keys are used. Enabled by default if enableHttpTriggerExtendedInfoCollection is true. This setting doesn't apply if enableHttpTriggerExtendedInfoCollection is false.


Property Default Description
enableSqlCommandTextInstrumentation false Enables collection of the full text of SQL queries, which is disabled by default. For more information on collecting SQL query text, see Advanced SQL tracking to get full SQL query.


For more information on snapshots, see Debug snapshots on exceptions in .NET apps and Troubleshoot problems enabling Application Insights Snapshot Debugger or viewing snapshots.

Property Default Description
agentEndpoint null The endpoint used to connect to the Application Insights Snapshot Debugger service. If null, a default endpoint is used.
captureSnapshotMemoryWeight 0.5 The weight given to the current process memory size when checking if there's enough memory to take a snapshot. The expected value is a greater than 0 proper fraction (0 < CaptureSnapshotMemoryWeight < 1).
failedRequestLimit 3 The limit on the number of failed requests to request snapshots before the telemetry processor is disabled.
handleUntrackedExceptions true Enables or disables tracking of exceptions that aren't tracked by Application Insights telemetry.
isEnabled true Enables or disables snapshot collection
isEnabledInDeveloperMode false Enables or disables snapshot collection is enabled in developer mode.
isEnabledWhenProfiling true Enables or disables snapshot creation even if the Application Insights Profiler is collecting a detailed profiling session.
isExceptionSnappointsEnabled false Enables or disables filtering of exceptions.
isLowPrioritySnapshotUploader true Determines whether to run the SnapshotUploader process at below normal priority.
maximumCollectionPlanSize 50 The maximum number of problems that we can track at any time in a range from one to 9999.
maximumSnapshotsRequired 3 The maximum number of snapshots collected for a single problem, in a range from one to 999. A problem may be thought of as an individual throw statement in your application. Once the number of snapshots collected for a problem reaches this value, no more snapshots will be collected for that problem until problem counters are reset (see problemCounterResetInterval) and the thresholdForSnapshotting limit is reached again.
problemCounterResetInterval 24:00:00 How often to reset the problem counters in a range from one minute to seven days. When this interval is reached, all problem counts are reset to zero. Existing problems that have already reached the threshold for doing snapshots, but haven't yet generated the number of snapshots in maximumSnapshotsRequired, remain active.
provideAnonymousTelemetry true Determines whether to send anonymous usage and error telemetry to Microsoft. This telemetry may be used if you contact Microsoft to help troubleshoot problems with the Snapshot Debugger. It's also used to monitor usage patterns.
reconnectInterval 00:15:00 How often we reconnect to the Snapshot Debugger endpoint. Allowable range is one minute to one day.
shadowCopyFolder null Specifies the folder to use for shadow copying binaries. If not set, the folders specified by the following environment variables are tried in order: Fabric_Folder_App_Temp, LOCALAPPDATA, APPDATA, TEMP.
shareUploaderProcess true If true, only one instance of SnapshotUploader will collect and upload snapshots for multiple apps that share the InstrumentationKey. If set to false, the SnapshotUploader will be unique for each (ProcessName, InstrumentationKey) tuple.
snapshotInLowPriorityThread true Determines whether or not to process snapshots in a low IO priority thread. Creating a snapshot is a fast operation but, in order to upload a snapshot to the Snapshot Debugger service, it must first be written to disk as a minidump. That happens in the SnapshotUploader process. Setting this value to true uses low-priority IO to write the minidump, which won't compete with your application for resources. Setting this value to false speeds up minidump creation at the expense of slowing down your application.
snapshotsPerDayLimit 30 The maximum number of snapshots allowed in one day (24 hours). This limit is also enforced on the Application Insights service side. Uploads are rate limited to 50 per day per application (that is, per instrumentation key). This value helps prevent creating additional snapshots that will eventually be rejected during upload. A value of zero removes the limit entirely, which isn't recommended.
snapshotsPerTenMinutesLimit 1 The maximum number of snapshots allowed in 10 minutes. Although there's no upper bound on this value, exercise caution increasing it on production workloads because it could impact the performance of your application. Creating a snapshot is fast, but creating a minidump of the snapshot and uploading it to the Snapshot Debugger service is a much slower operation that will compete with your application for resources (both CPU and I/O).
tempFolder null Specifies the folder to write minidumps and uploader log files. If not set, then %TEMP%\Dumps is used.
thresholdForSnapshotting 1 How many times Application Insights needs to see an exception before it asks for snapshots.
uploaderProxy null Overrides the proxy server used in the Snapshot Uploader process. You may need to use this setting if your application connects to the internet via a proxy server. The Snapshot Collector runs within your application's process and will use the same proxy settings. However, the Snapshot Uploader runs as a separate process and you may need to configure the proxy server manually. If this value is null, then Snapshot Collector will attempt to autodetect the proxy's address by examining System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy and passing on the value to the Snapshot Uploader. If this value isn't null, then autodetection isn't used and the proxy server specified here will be used in the Snapshot Uploader.


Configuration settings can be found in Storage blob triggers and bindings.


This setting is a child of logging. It controls the console logging when not in debugging mode.

    "logging": {
        "console": {
          "isEnabled": false,
          "DisableColors": true
Property Default Description
DisableColors false Suppresses log formatting in the container logs on Linux. Set to true if you're seeing unwanted ANSI control characters in the container logs when running on Linux.
isEnabled false Enables or disables console logging.

Azure Cosmos DB

Configuration settings can be found in Azure Cosmos DB triggers and bindings.


Configuration settings for a custom handler. For more information, see Azure Functions custom handlers.

"customHandler": {
  "description": {
    "defaultExecutablePath": "server",
    "workingDirectory": "handler",
    "arguments": [ "--port", "%FUNCTIONS_CUSTOMHANDLER_PORT%" ]
  "enableForwardingHttpRequest": false
Property Default Description
defaultExecutablePath n/a The executable to start as the custom handler process. It's a required setting when using custom handlers and its value is relative to the function app root.
workingDirectory function app root The working directory in which to start the custom handler process. It's an optional setting and its value is relative to the function app root.
arguments n/a An array of command line arguments to pass to the custom handler process.
enableForwardingHttpRequest false If set, all functions that consist of only an HTTP trigger and HTTP output is forwarded the original HTTP request instead of the custom handler request payload.


Configuration setting can be found in bindings for Durable Functions.


Enables dynamic concurrency for specific bindings in your function app. For more information, see Dynamic concurrency.

        "concurrency": { 
            "dynamicConcurrencyEnabled": true, 
            "snapshotPersistenceEnabled": true 
Property Default Description
dynamicConcurrencyEnabled false Enables dynamic concurrency behaviors for all triggers supported by this feature, which is off by default.
snapshotPersistenceEnabled true Learned concurrency values are periodically persisted to storage so new instances start from those values instead of starting from 1 and having to redo the learning.


Configuration settings can be found in Event Hub triggers and bindings.


Property that returns an object that contains all of the binding-specific settings, such as http and eventHub.


Extension bundles let you add a compatible set of Functions binding extensions to your function app. To learn more, see Extension bundles for local development.

[!INCLUDE functions-extension-bundles-json]


A list of functions that the job host runs. An empty array means run all functions. Intended for use only when running locally. In function apps in Azure, you should instead follow the steps in How to disable functions in Azure Functions to disable specific functions rather than using this setting.

    "functions": [ "QueueProcessor", "GitHubWebHook" ]


Indicates the timeout duration for all function executions. It follows the timespan string format.

Plan type Default (min) Maximum (min)
Consumption 5 10
Premium1 30 -1 (unbounded)2
Dedicated (App Service) 30 -1 (unbounded)2

1 Premium plan execution is only guaranteed for 60 minutes, but technically unbounded.
2 A value of -1 indicates unbounded execution, but keeping a fixed upper bound is recommended.

    "functionTimeout": "00:05:00"


Configuration settings for Host health monitor.

    "healthMonitor": {
        "enabled": true,
        "healthCheckInterval": "00:00:10",
        "healthCheckWindow": "00:02:00",
        "healthCheckThreshold": 6,
        "counterThreshold": 0.80
Property Default Description
enabled true Specifies whether the feature is enabled.
healthCheckInterval 10 seconds The time interval between the periodic background health checks.
healthCheckWindow 2 minutes A sliding time window used in conjunction with the healthCheckThreshold setting.
healthCheckThreshold 6 Maximum number of times the health check can fail before a host recycle is initiated.
counterThreshold 0.80 The threshold at which a performance counter will be considered unhealthy.


Configuration settings can be found in http triggers and bindings.


Controls the logging behaviors of the function app, including Application Insights.

"logging": {
    "fileLoggingMode": "debugOnly",
    "logLevel": {
      "Function.MyFunction": "Information",
      "default": "None"
    "console": {
    "applicationInsights": {
Property Default Description
fileLoggingMode debugOnly Determines the file logging behavior when running in Azure. Options are never, always, and debugOnly. This setting isn't used when running locally. When possible, you should use Application Insights when debugging your functions in Azure. Using always negatively impacts your app's cold start behavior and data throughput. The default debugOnly setting generates log files when you're debugging using the Azure portal.
logLevel n/a Object that defines the log category filtering for functions in the app. This setting lets you filter logging for specific functions. For more information, see Configure log levels.
console n/a The console logging setting.
applicationInsights n/a The applicationInsights setting.


Managed dependency is a feature that is currently only supported with PowerShell based functions. It enables dependencies to be automatically managed by the service. When the enabled property is set to true, the requirements.psd1 file is processed. Dependencies are updated when any minor versions are released. For more information, see Managed dependency in the PowerShell article.

    "managedDependency": {
        "enabled": true


Configuration settings can be found in Storage queue triggers and bindings.


Configuration setting can be found in SendGrid triggers and bindings.


Configuration setting can be found in Service Bus triggers and bindings.


Configuration settings for Singleton lock behavior. For more information, see GitHub issue about singleton support.

    "singleton": {
      "lockPeriod": "00:00:15",
      "listenerLockPeriod": "00:01:00",
      "listenerLockRecoveryPollingInterval": "00:01:00",
      "lockAcquisitionTimeout": "00:01:00",
      "lockAcquisitionPollingInterval": "00:00:03"
Property Default Description
lockPeriod 00:00:15 The period that function level locks are taken for. The locks auto-renew.
listenerLockPeriod 00:01:00 The period that listener locks are taken for.
listenerLockRecoveryPollingInterval 00:01:00 The time interval used for listener lock recovery if a listener lock couldn't be acquired on startup.
lockAcquisitionTimeout 00:01:00 The maximum amount of time the runtime will try to acquire a lock.
lockAcquisitionPollingInterval n/a The interval between lock acquisition attempts.


This feature is currently in preview.

Used to enable output of logs and traces in an OpenTelemetry output format to one or more endpoints that support OpenTelemetry. When this setting is set to OpenTelemetry, OpenTelemetry output is used. By default without this setting, all logs, traces, and events are sent to Application Insights using the standard outputs. For more information, see Use OpenTelemetry with Azure Functions.


This value indicates the schema version of host.json. The version string "version": "2.0" is required for a function app that targets the v2 runtime, or a later version. There are no host.json schema changes between v2 and v3.


A set of shared code directories that should be monitored for changes. Ensures that when code in these directories is changed, the changes are picked up by your functions.

    "watchDirectories": [ "Shared" ]


An array of one or more names of files that are monitored for changes that require your app to restart. This guarantees that when code in these files is changed, the updates are picked up by your functions.

    "watchFiles": [ "myFile.txt" ]

Override host.json values

There may be instances where you wish to configure or modify specific settings in a host.json file for a specific environment, without changing the host.json file itself. You can override specific host.json values by creating an equivalent value as an application setting. When the runtime finds an application setting in the format AzureFunctionsJobHost__path__to__setting, it overrides the equivalent host.json setting located at in the JSON. When expressed as an application setting, the dot (.) used to indicate JSON hierarchy is replaced by a double underscore (__).

For example, say that you wanted to disable Application Insight sampling when running locally. If you changed the local host.json file to disable Application Insights, this change might get pushed to your production app during deployment. The safer way to do this is to instead create an application setting as "AzureFunctionsJobHost__logging__applicationInsights__samplingSettings__isEnabled":"false" in the local.settings.json file. You can see this in the following local.settings.json file, which doesn't get published:

    "IsEncrypted": false,
    "Values": {
        "AzureWebJobsStorage": "{storage-account-connection-string}",
        "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "{language-runtime}",

Overriding host.json settings using environment variables follows the ASP.NET Core naming conventions. When the element structure includes an array, the numeric array index should be treated as an additional element name in this path. For more information, see Naming of environment variables.

Next steps

[!div class="nextstepaction"] Learn how to update the host.json file

[!div class="nextstepaction"] See global settings in environment variables