=== Micemade SO widgets Widgets ===
Author URI: http://micemade.com
Plugin URI: http://micemade.com/micemade-so-widgets
Contributors: SiteOrigin, Micemade, Livemesh
Tags: widget, siteorigin, siteorigin widgets bundle, siteorigin page builder, siteorigin addons, grid, gallery, carousel, shortcode, tabs, admin, plugin, page
Requires at least: 4.3
Tested up to: 4.7
Stable Tag: 1.0.0.
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
A collection of free widgets, premium quality, for use in any widgetized area or in SiteOrigin page builder. SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle is required.
Micemade SO widgets widgets features huge collection of premium, easy to use yet highly functional widgets that can be used in a page builder like SiteOrigin or in any widgetized area of your site. This is really a premium plugin that you can get for free.
This plugin comes with widgets for just about everything you need to build a professional website without switching to a premium theme - hero headers, services, team profiles, statistics, testimonials, clients list, portfolio/posts grid, carousels, varieties of tabs, accordions, buttons, icon lists, pricing plan and much more. All the widgets that help turn your free theme into a premium one with just a few clicks. Every premium page builder element you need is available for easy drag and drop into your page by just activating this plugin.
SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle plugin must be activated to use this plugin. After you activate the required plugins, enable our widgets by going to Plugins > SiteOrigin Widgets in your WordPress admin.
Although not required, Page Builder by SiteOrigin is highly recommended.
See the all of widgets in action here - LIVE DEMO
The plugin comes with the following widgets. Almost all of the widgets come with a dark version.
- Accordion/Toggle - capture collapsible content panels when space is limited.
- Button - flat style buttons with rich set of customization options.
- Generic Carousel Widget - displays lets you present a list of HTML content in a carousel.
- Client List widget - widget to showcase the clients that you have handled.
- Divider widget - widget that creates gap or line divider between elements
- Heading - capture effective headings for your page sections.
- Hero Image Widget - lets you display any type of header content with option to set Parallax, YouTube or HTML5 video background.
- Icon list- widget that lets you use either images or icon fonts to create custom social icons list, capture payment options etc.
- Odometers - show impressive numbers pertaining to your work or company.
- Pie charts - animated charts for visual presentation of percentage stats.
- Animated Pie charts - for visual depiction of percentage stats.
- Post Carousel Widget - displays your posts or custom post types as a highly responsive carousel.
- Services - capture what you can offer for your clients/customers.
- Responsive Tabs - function seamlessly across all devices and resolutions.
- Team Profiles - widgets to display all the team members.
- Bar charts - widget to capture skills or any type of percentage stats.
- Testimonials - to tell everyone the good things you often hear from your clients/customers.
- Testimonials slider - a responsive touch enabled slider that cycles through testimonials.
- Grid widget - displays posts in a nice responsive grid. Masonry and packed options are supported.
- Pricing Plans - help get more sales.
Important: You must activate widgets you need to use from Plugins > SiteOrigin Widgets so that they can be available to use. (During the Micemade themes installation process all the widget are being activated automatically.)
Do you have suggestions to make or want to be notified of important updates? Reach out to us on Twitter
- Install and activate the required plugin SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle.
- Unzip the downloaded micemade-so-widgets.zip file and upload to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory or install the Micemade SO widgets Widgets plugin from WordPress repository. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Enable all the widgets you need from Plugins > SiteOrigin Widgets.
- If you need page builder functions, install and activate the optional plugin Page Builder by SiteOrigin.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Does it work with the theme that I am using? =
Our tests indicate that the widgets work well with most themes that are well coded. You may need some minor custom CSS with themes that hijack the styling for heading tags by using !important keyword.
The demo site is best recreated with a theme that supports a full width page template without sidebars. The widgets can still be used in the widgetized sidebars of pages of default template.
- How to enable the dark version for any widget? =
In SiteOrigin page builder, add a row wrapper for the widget, edit row and check the option 'Dark Background?' under 'Row Styles' > Design.
If not using a page builder, you can wrap the widget with a div of class 'mm_sow-dark-bg' to invoke dark version. Make sure you set the appropriate dark background for the wrapper div.
- Seeing 'Missing Widget' error upon import. =
Please make sure the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle plugin is installed/activated and enable the widgets from Plugins > SiteOrigin Widgets in WordPress admin.
= 1.0 =
- Initial release.