aubo mra(module robot arm) -- 7 Dofs
mra7a_description package is the mra7a URDF description. --mra7a_gazebo.urdf.xacro is the whole mra7a description including the gazebo element using the xacro. --mra7a_autogenerated_from_xacro.urdf is autogenerated by "rosrun xacro xacro.python mra7a_gazebo.urdf.xacro >> mra7a_autogenerated_from_xacro.urdf".
mra7a_moveit_config package is the moveit configure for the mra7a(mra7a_autogenerated_from_xacro.urdf).
mra7a_gazebo package is for launch the gazebo to simulation.
mra7a_urdf package is generated by solidworks software.