Gathering of useful set up and ad addition scripts for various Linux distros
Linux does not natively have the drivers to run the mac camera, so you need to add them. I have tried this in Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora - it works in all of these distros and there is no reason for it not to work on any other distro.
Original gist and credits here
1 - Create a file .sh
and name it as you please
2 - Give the file permission sudo chmod +x filename
3 - Run the file sudo ./filename
You can get an error along the line of modprobe: FATAL: Module bdc_pci not found.
. This is OK, it means your system did not have that file.
4 - Run sudo modprobe facetimehd
5 - Reboot your system, and enjoy the working camera!
Some useful posts that helped getting the info I needed
traditional method
useful comments
How to easily install kernel headers for your current kernel
sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Can install all nerd fonts via a CLI selection. Very handy!
Credits to the creator and maintainer and repo
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
By far my favourite plugin manager for zsh - it's so easy and handy and it doesn't really need set up at all.
Credits to @chrisatmachine
zsh <(curl -s --branch release-v1
A good article here
Not exactly a script but it is something I use in any distro
sudo apt xclip
To copy the content of a file and paste it with CTRL+v
xclip -sel clip
To output the clipboard content
xclip -o
Fantastic tool to shorten the cd
piping. Repo
curl -sS | bash
The main command to run:
wget && chmod +x && sudo ./
After a reboot, we can remove the files:
sudo rm -rf ~/clevo-keyboard/ && rm ~/