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This is the backend for the Spice app to help track hypertensive and diabetic patients across a population.

Tech stack

  • Git
  • Java 17.x
  • Apache Maven 3.8.x
  • Docker 20.10.xx
  • Docker-compose 1.29.x


To bring the Spice backend up and running, there are few prerequisite that has to be done. You can either follow the commands or access the official documentation by clicking the hyperlink.

sudo apt install git
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk
nano ~/.bashrc
  • Paste the following lines in .bashrc file.
export PATH
  • Then save the .bashrc file.
  • To apply the changes in the .bashrc file run the following command.
. ~/.bashrc
  • Note: Once you have executed the script mentioned above, please restart the machine.
  • To verify the maven installation, run the following command and check the version
mvn -v


  • Clone the spice-server repository.
git clone


To run the application, you should pass the necessary configuration via environment properties. To achieve this, create a .env file and pass your own values for the following properties.

Note: Please paste the .env file inside the specified directory.


.env file

MAIL_FROM[email protected]

Note: The values for the environmental variables should be changed based on the chosen service.


The .env file is used to store environment variables for the project. These variables are used to configure the application and contain sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, and other credentials.

Please note that the .env file should never be committed to version control, as it contains sensitive information that should not be shared publicly. Instead, you should add the .env file to your .gitignore file to ensure that it is not accidentally committed.

To use the application, you will need to create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the necessary environment variables. You can refer to the above file for an example of the required variables and their format.

The values provided in the instructions are for demonstration purposes only and will not work as-is. You will need to replace them with actual values that are specific to your environment.

Note: After checking out the project, please ensure that you update the relevant properties and values in env.example, and then rename it to .env.

.env description

PROJECT_PATH: This property specifies the file path to the project's backend directory in the server.

DATABASE_URL: This property contains the JDBC connection URL for the PostgreSQL database server with the server timezone set to UTC, with the database name.

DATABASE_USERNAME: This property contains the username used to connect to the PostgreSQL database server.

DATABASE_PASSWORD: This property contains the password to connect to the PostgreSQL database server.

DATABASE_NAME: This property contains the name of the PostgreSQL database used by the project.

NOTIFICATION_PROJECT_PATH: This property specifies the file path to the notification project.

REDIS_PASSWORD: This property contains the password used to authenticate with the Redis server.

REDIS_HOST: This property contains the IP address of the Redis server.

REDIS_PORT: This property contains the port number used by the Redis server.

SERVER_REGION: This property specifies the region where the Amazon S3 buckets should create.

MAIL_SEND: The Application uses this property to indicate whether it sends emails.

ENABLE_SMS_NOTIFICATION: This property indicates whether SMS notifications are enabled in the Application.

SHEDLOCK_EMAIL_START: This property specifies the start time for the email shedlock job.

SHEDLOCK_EMAIL_STOP: This property specifies the stop time for the email shedlock job.

IS_NEXT_MEDICAL_REVIEW_JOB: This property indicates whether the next medical review job is enabled.

IS_NEXT_BP_JOB: This property indicates whether the next blood pressure job is enabled.

IS_NEXT_BG_JOB: This property indicates whether the next blood glucose job is enabled.

SHEDLOCK_OUTBOUND_START: This property specifies the start time for the outbound shedlock job.

SHEDLOCK_OUTBOUND_STOP: This property specifies the stop time for the outbound shedlock job.

SHEDLOCK_SMS_START: This property specifies the start time for the SMS shedlock job.

SHEDLOCK_SMS_STOP: This property specifies the stop time for the SMS shedlock job.

SWAGGER_ENABLED: This property indicates whether Swagger UI is enabled in the project.

ENABLE_SMS_NOTIFICATION_TWILIO: This property indicates whether the SMS to be sent through twilio.

TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID: This property specifies the twilio account sid.

TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: This property specifies the twilio auth token.

TWILIO_FROM_PHONENO: This property specifies the twilio phone number.

ENABLE_SMS_NOTIFICATION_SNS: This property indicates whether the SMS to be sent through AWS SNS.

AWS_ACCESS_KEY: This property specifies aws access key to send sms.

AWS_SECRET_KEY: This property specifies aws secret key to send sms.

MAIL_FROM: This property specifies the verified sender's email.

MAIL_HOST: This property specifies the mail host.

MAIL_PORT: This property specifies the mail port number.

MAIL_PASSWORD: This property specifies the mail password.

MAIL_USER: This property specifies username.

SENDGRID_API_KEY: This property specifies the sendgrid api key that is created.

LOCAL_FILE_SYSTEM_PATH: This property specifies the path to the directory on the server where prescription signatures are stored.

IS_PRESCRIPTION_SIGNATURE_UPLOADED_TO_S3: This property indicates whether prescription signatures uploaded to S3 bucket.

IS_PRESCRIPTION_SIGNATURE_UPLOADED_TO_MINIO: This property indicates whether the prescription to be sent through AWS SNS.

URL_MINIO: This property specifies the url of the minio service.

CONSOLE_URL_MINIO : This property specifies the console url of the minio service.

ACCESS_NAME_MINIO: This property specifies the username of the minio service.

ACCESS_SECRET_MINIO: This property specifies the password of the minio service.

BUCKET_NAME_MINIO: This property specifies the bucket created in the minio service.

APP_VERSION: This property specifies the app version of the spice application in the mobile device.

EMAIL_APP_URL: This property specifies the app url of the application

Alternative solution to AWS services using open-source and free service.

  • Storage Service - MinIO(Open Source)
  • Mail Service - SendGrid(Free service)
  • SMS Service - Twilio(Free service)

Note: When you choose to use the open-source MinIO service for storage.

MinIO Storage service Setup

  • To install MinIO in Linux run the following commands or click [ site -Download].
  wget -O minio.deb
  sudo dpkg -i minio.deb
  mkdir ~/minio
  minio server ~/minio --console-address :9090

Note: If you are using the service, please enter the corresponding values for the fields URL_MINIO, CONSOLE_URL_MINIO, ACCESS_NAME_MINIO, ACCESS_SECRET_MINIO and BUCKET_NAME_MINIO in .env.

Sendgrid Mail service Setup

Note: When you choose to use the Sendgrid email free service, follow the below instructions.

  • Add the sendgrid dependency in the file: spice-server/backend/notification-service/pom.xml
  • Replace the code in the file: spice-server/backend/notification-service/src/main/java/com/mdtlabs/coreplatform/notificationservice/service/impl/ from the line 105 to 137.
         Mail mail = new Mail();
         mail.addContent(new Content("text/HTML", emailDto.getBody()));
         mail.setFrom(new Email(mailFrom));
         Personalization personalization = new Personalization();
         personalization.addTo(new Email(StringUtils.isNotBlank(emailDto.getTo()) ? emailDto.getTo() : Constants.EMPTY));
         if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(emailDto.getCc())) {
             personalization.addCc(new Email(emailDto.getCc()));
         if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(emailDto.getBcc())) {
             personalization.addBcc(new Email(emailDto.getBcc()));
         SendGrid sendGrid = new SendGrid(sendgridApikey);
         Request request = new Request();
  • Visit the Sendgrid official site and create a free account to get the sendgrid api key.

Note: If you are using the sendgrid service, please enter the corresponding values for the fields MAIL_FROM and SENDGRID_API_KEY in .env.

Twilio SMS service Setup

Note: When you choose to use the Twilio SMS free service, follow the below instructions.

  • Visit the Twilio official site and create a free account to get the account sid, auth token and twilio phone number.

Note: If you are using the twilio service, please enter the corresponding values for the fields TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN and TWILIO_FROM_PHONENO` in .env.


Run the following commands in the below path

Build a clean-install using maven /spice-server

mvn clean install

Build docker images by the following command

docker-compose build

Once the images are built, run the docker containers by the following docker command

docker-compose up


Once the deployment of the application is successful, you can confirm the connectivity of the Back-end by logging into the application. To accomplish this, you may choose any API Testing tool. In this particular case, the Postman API Platform was utilized as an example.


POST {{ipAdd}}:8762/auth-service/session

Request Body

This endpoint allows user to sign-in into the application. The request body should be in the form-data format and include the following fields:

  • username: [email protected]
  • password: 1be35bc75f8316c2b5e48203d93ab3043b4774a7ab4a9e9eebf963c283cde32ddfb95aa843aee3d345f78a551a069200f013cd98904011ea6fb0cd08087d4841

The response contains two values: Authorization and TenantId. You must use these values in the subsequent requests.


Access the Swagger UI documentation in the project using the following URL.


Multilingual Capability:

SPICE now supports multi-language translation for the user interface! This means you can experience SPICE in your preferred language, making it easier than ever to navigate and use the app.

Note: The credentials displayed in the tables are for demonstration purposes only and should not be used in a production environment. If you need to remove, modify, or add new user credentials, you can create a new script file containing the necessary DDL or DML queries in the below specified location. It's important to note that attempting to update the existing script file may result in a checksum error.
