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Welcome to our Blog!

Published blogs

How to create a Blog

  • Create a branch, using the format: article/summary-title
  • Add your post under _posts using the format: yyyy-mm-dd-summary-title.markdown
  • View your post locally (see below)
  • Create a pull request - once approved it will be live (if not post dated).

Blog Props

layout: post | postv2
hidden: boolean // [Optional] If true, the blog will not appear in the list
inject_optimize_tag: boolean // [Optional] If true, Google's Optimize tag will be injected into the <Head> enabling things like AB testing.
font: serif // [Optional] Will transform your blog with Serif Font
title: String // (Recommended length 60 characters)
description: String // (Recommended length 150-160 characters)
date: Date
dateModified: Date // [Optional] Make sure to set this if you make updates to your post after the original Date
highlight: monokai // [Optional] Will apply the monokai dark highlight theme to each of your page's code blocks.
tags: String | String[] // (Recommend 5 tags). Make sure your tags are what people Google Search. Make sure your tags are also mentioned in your blog post itself.
author: String
image: String // Relevant path directory to your image (do not prefix with a /)
sitemap: Boolean // [Optional] By default articles are indexed in the sitemap.xml file. Setting this to false will remove it from the sitemap


Authoring Content

Start the Jekyll container:

docker-compose up blogserver

Rebuilding the Jekyll container:

If the container fails to start by throwing errors, you may need to rebuild the container by running the following:

docker-compose build blogserver && docker-compose run blogserver

Browse to the page: http://localhost:4000

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.