Simplement pour update
Ajout d'un composant personalisé Alert
Importer d'abord le composant dans le fichier MDX avec import Alert from "@components/mdx/Alert.astro";
Puis editer votre MDX avec les informations suivan,te
<Alert type="warning"> Votre contenu en **markdown**</Alert>
Type disponible `warning`, `success`, `info`, `danger`
Add Rehype External Link with option _blank
and icon.
- ✅ Minimal styling (Tailwind CSS)
- ✅ 100/100 Lighthouse performance
- ✅ SEO-friendly with canonical URLs and OpenGraph data
- ✅ Dark Mode
- ✅ Sitemap support
- ✅ RSS Feed support
- ✅ Markdown & MDX support
- ✅ View Transitions
- ✅ PWA-ready
- ✅ Fully responsive
- ✅ Robots.txt & Humans.txt
- ✅ TypeScript support
- ✅ Syntax highlighting
- ✅ YouTube Integration
- ✅ CLI for adding new posts
Clone this repository to your local machine using Git.
git clone your-project-name
Command | Action |
npm install |
Installs dependencies |
npm run dev |
Starts local dev server at localhost:4321 |
npm run build |
Build your production site to ./dist/ |
npm run preview |
Preview your build locally, before deploying |
npm run youtube |
Fetches the Latest YouTube Channel Videos |
npm run newpost |
Generate a New Blogpost Markdown Entry |
Edit the HTML files in the src/pages
directory to add your projects, experiences, and personal information.
To configure your blog, edit the src/config/config.json
file. This file contains the following options:
"site": {
"title": "EV0 Astro Theme",
"base_url": "",
"base_path": "/",
"favicon": "/favicon.png",
"logo": "",
"lang": "en",
"description": "EV0 is a free and open-source serverless blog template, built with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.",
"pageSize": 6
"features": {
"youtube": true
"metadata": {
"meta_author": "Oscar Barajas @gndx",
"meta_description": "EV0 is a free and open-source serverless blog template, built with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript."
"author": {
"name": "Oscar Barajas Tavares @gndx",
"avatar": "",
"bio": "EV0 is a free and open-source serverless blog template, built with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript."
The menu is configured in the src/config/menu.json
file. This file contains the following options:
"name": "Home",
"url": "/"
"name": "Blog",
"url": "/blog"
Social networks are configured in the src/config/social.json
file. This file contains the following options:
"name": "Instagram",
"url": ""
"svg": "...."
To integrate your YouTube channel, you need to create a new file called .env
in the root directory of your project. Then add the CHANNEL_ID
to get the latest videos from your YouTube channel in src/config/youtube.json
npm run youtube
Your YouTube API is not used in production.
Requires an API KEY for YouTube API V3 - Google Console
You can disable the youtube integration by modifying the src/config/config.json
"features": {
"youtube": false
To add a new post, run the following command:
npm run newpost
Follow the instructions and this will generate a new markdown file in the src/content/blog
directory. Edit the file to add your post content.
├── public/
│ └── favicons/
│ └── fonts/
│ └── blog-placeholder.jpg
│ └── favicon.png
│ └── humans.txt
├── scripts/
│ └── youtube.cjs
├── src/
│ ├── components/
│ ├── config/
│ ├── content/
│ ├── layouts/
│ └── pages/
│ └── styles/
│ └── env.d.ts
└── package.json
└── astro.config.mjs
└── tailwind.config.js
└── tsconfig.json
└── .gitignore
Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find a bug or have a suggestion for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Oscar Barajas Tavares 📖 |
Jhon Achata Limachi 🐛 🤔 |
Erasmo Hernández 🐛 |
Francisco Araujo 🎨 🐛 |
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for details.
If this project helped you learn something new, or if you're feeling particularly generous, you can buy me a coffee. It's greatly appreciated! 😊 GitHub Sponsors