This is a Media Resource Control Protocol (v2) server that I'm writing in node.js for learning purposes.
It currently supports:
- Google Speech Recog/Synth
- DTMF and MORSE Speech Recog/Synth (use languages 'dtmf' and 'morse')
- Julius Speech Recognition using our julius_server
- Olaris Speech Recognition using olaris API (japanese language only)
- Vosk Speech Recognition (there is a Dockerfile in vosk_server_small_ja to build a server for japanese testing)
To test things so far:
Start the server:
cd mrcp_server
npm install
# if you have a google credentials file with support for SpeechSynth and/or SpeechRecog export:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/your/credentials_file.json
# if you don't have it, it is OK. You can still test it by using language='dtmf' or language='morse'
cp config/default.js.sample config/default.js
vim config/default.js # adjust parameters if necessary
node index.js
If 'npm install' fails, try upgrading it (works with nvm v. 7.21.1):
npm install -g [email protected]
Then clone and follow its installation instructions.
Follow instructions there on how to perform tests and load tests.
We use the nact actor library to permit to better separate concerns. We have the following actors:
- sip_server : waits for SIP INVITEs with SDP requesting access to speech resources
- mrcp_server : waits for MRCP messages and distributes them to resource workers
- speechsynther : resource worker for speechsynth
- speechrecoger : resource worker for speechrecog
Basic operation:
- on startup the sip_server preallocates all UDP ports in the range specified by rtp_lo_port and rtp_hi_port in the config file.
- when a valid SIP INVITE arrives from a client, sip_server allocates an rtp_session for it and replies with '100 Trying'
- then sip_server uses the SIP Call-ID (uuid) to compose the channel-identifier: ${uuid}@${resource}
- then sip_server adds the call to the registrar (uuid is the key) and sends SESSION_CREATED to mrcp_server (obs: registrar is a common object to store existing calls (it is not a SIP Registrar).
- mrcp_server creates a worker (speechsynther or speechrecoger) and sets it in the registrar for that uuid.
- mrcp_server sends SESSION_CREATED_ACK
- sip_server send '200 OK' to client
- the client creates a TCP connection with mrcp_server and starts exchanging MRCP messages
- when MCRP messages arrive, mrcp_server send them to the correct resource worker based on channel-identifier
- the resource workers receive MCRP requests like SPEAK and RECOGNIZE and process them.